Need help finding a recording mic


Mar 28, 2015

I have been looking at the Audio Technica At2035 and thought that was quite the solid mic for my uses which will be streaming and recording audio for videos. Are their any other mics you guys recommend at this price range?
at 2020/at2035 are good. rode makes some nice mics with good bass you might like. blue makes some quality mics as well.

i would suggest getting an xlr mic with a decent interface like a solo/2i2 at least and avoiding the whole usb-mic craze.

I forgot to mention I currently own the Steinberg UR22. I wouls like to stray away from the Blue side of things since I am not pleased with their products. What Rode mics would you recommend?
things like the rode nt1a would be in the same budget level as the rest. i very much like the sound of the nt-usb and podcaster as well (i like that deep bass tone) but those are usb not XLR so you cant use an interface with them. much higher priced, but also excellent from rode is the NTK which is known for good bass tones and vintage sound since its a tube mic.

not to say the 2020/2035 are bad sounding. i enjoy them too.

The Rode ntk is not available in my country. I want to stick with the XLR Connection since i want to use the sound card I own. If I would be going for the podcaster I would probably pick the Procaster over it. The Rode nt1a costs 50 dollars more here, does it justify the price over the at2035?