need help to restore my data

Jun 11, 2018
I have a SP A80 external hard drive for 3 years and have no problem with it so far. last night I connect it to my tv to watching movie. and today when I plugged it to my laptop its drives did not show up. however I checked the disk management and see its name there. its light is on. I found out that when I plug it in laptop it's begin to beeping for 10 seconds.
plz help me to restore my data that is so important for me. tnx
the people that made ccleaner have a free recovery software. if the drive spindle is not stuck/broken it may see your data. a beeping drive most time is a stuck spindle/head crash. if the unit is out of warranty i would try and pull the drive and plug it into a reg pc before you ran any tools on it to see if it the drive or the case that the issue.
Jun 11, 2018

it's out of warranty. plz tell me what should I do?? in more details. tnx