Need Replay 45xx repair parts



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I have a ReplayTV 4508 unit that has a problem with a circuit board.

Part of a circuit board, or one of its components fried on me. The board is
the one located directly behind the outside front panel. There is a section
of this board that supports the IR function.

Anyway, everything else still works on the front cover except for the IR
function. All of the front cover buttons and indicator LEDs still work. The
replay unit itself still works. However, I can no longer use my remote
control anymore and I have to make any changes manually with the buttons on
the front cover. I guess that I should be thankful the unit itself is still

I was wondering if anyone has a non-functioning 45xx unit they are stripping
and selling for parts. The ReplayTV circuit board number appears to be
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John Barrington wrote:

> I have a ReplayTV 4508 unit that has a problem with a circuit board.
> Part of a circuit board, or one of its components fried on me. The board is
> the one located directly behind the outside front panel. There is a section
> of this board that supports the IR function.
> Anyway, everything else still works on the front cover except for the IR
> function. All of the front cover buttons and indicator LEDs still work. The
> replay unit itself still works. However, I can no longer use my remote
> control anymore and I have to make any changes manually with the buttons on
> the front cover. I guess that I should be thankful the unit itself is still
> working.
> I was wondering if anyone has a non-functioning 45xx unit they are stripping
> and selling for parts. The ReplayTV circuit board number appears to be
> LSJB3074-1.
Mikeyboy on the AVS Forum.
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"Tony D" <> wrote in message

> Mikeyboy on the AVS Forum.

I contacted him, and he sent me a price of $59 plus I have to send the old
board back to him. I was finally able to find a cheap replay 45xx unit and I
decided to purchase it strictly for parts. I have another unit, and between
both of the working units, I know that this third replay could come in handy
for future parts.
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I ask again, how does Mikey get around the S/N problem? 45xx was not all
I have to think a "cheap" one was monthly since the activation is the most
expensive part.
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"Greg" <> wrote in message
> I ask again, how does Mikey get around the S/N problem? 45xx was not all
> "lifetime".
> I have to think a "cheap" one was monthly since the activation is the most
> expensive part.

The reply unit has several circuit boards, but I'm not talking about the
"motherboard". I was talking about the circuit board right behind the front
panel. It's related to the buttons, LEDs, and IR. :)

I fried the small part of the circuit on that board that's related to the IR
(long story). The buttons and LEDs are okay. The replay unit itself is okay,
but I can't change the channel with the remote, nor can I access any of the
hidden features any more (anything needing numbers). 🙁

This front panel circuit board doesn't have any effect on the lifetime
activation of the "motherboard" circuit board. It only relays signals. :)

If I replace this front panel circuit board, my replay unit should function
as normal again.
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Greg wrote:
> I ask again, how does Mikey get around the S/N problem? 45xx was not all
> "lifetime".
> I have to think a "cheap" one was monthly since the activation is the most
> expensive part.

It is almost never necessary to replace a mb. Most problems are zapped
tuners, modems, and net cards. Any more extensive on a lifetime
activated unit you would go through the trouble of unsoldering the eprom
with the unit firmware. DNNA seems to be more lenient than before in
swapping activations over to a new unit if it is within reason.
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John Barrington wrote:
The replay unit itself is okay,
> but I can't change the channel with the remote, nor can I access any of the
> hidden features any more (anything needing numbers). 🙁

I would imagine the DVArchive program would give you back SOME
functionality (It has a sort of remote, however there are advantages to
the real remote too (DV-Archive's makes some assumptions which are not
always valid)

beyond that I can't much help you with board replacement

I do have a question though, which is why I changed the subject

Can you point me to a FAQ or other documentation on the "Hidden Features"

Thank you in advance remove Do.not.spam. if replying via e-mail
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"Tony D" <> wrote in message
> Greg wrote:
> ...Any more extensive on a lifetime
> activated unit you would go through the trouble of unsoldering the eprom
> with the unit firmware....

Using this picture, which chip is the activation firmware?
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I'm betting it is on the Fujitsu Flash in the lower left corner. The Molehill
site has some info on this. Larson's place.