Need suggestions for back to school laptop

Crying Potato

Apr 26, 2015
Hi all, i am here speaking on behalf of a friend, he needs a laptop for school work, nothing for gaming but photoshop and design. His price range is £350-£500, for the more expensive option i was thinking of the ASUS X556UA. Any help would be highly appreciated. 🙂
I like going the refurbish/used route. Usually, 2 Gen older from manufacturer current line up.
By then there will plenty of reviews, troubleshooting, & youtube videos.

my preferences for laptops
1.) budget
2.) processor (try to get the best processor possible)
3.) graphic

Don't let the fancy appearances and the hops up fool you.
Make sure the laptop is easy to upgrade & ergonomics friendly.

Buying a laptop is like buy a car... lol
stick with your budget ^_^

FYI: laptops has a short life, in terms of technology.