Sony’s PS4 will sometimes show Error AIP-701 when trying to
view content from Netflix. The fixes below will remove the error so that
streaming works as intended. Both fixes can be done in less than ten minutes.
Restart The Internet
Restarting the internet on a PS4 will get rid of the error
for wired and wireless setups. Following these steps will make the internet
unavailable for any device currently connected to your home network. Doing this
in the middle of syncing or other internet heavy tasks will cause data loss and
1. Turn off the Ps4 system and unplug it from the wall.

2. Unplug your modem, and then unplug your router. Wait a
full minute.

3. Plug the devices back using this order; Ps4, modem and
then router.

4. Wait until the modem/router finishes booting up. It may
take between 1-5 minutes total depending on the brand and hardware.

5. Turn on the PS4 by pressing the PlayStation button on the

6. Try out the Netflix app again.

Sign Out Of The Netflix Account
A quick sign out/in allows the app to communicate with
Netflix servers using new data. This is the quickest way to resolve the error
but requires knowing the username and password of the account.
1. Press the O button on the controller while looking at the
Netflix home screen.

2. Select the gear icon, and then choose to Sign Out. Make
sure to select the Yes prompt when asked.

3. Login to Netflix immediately afterwards.