New 100Mb Pipe for S@H


Jun 1, 2002
Greetings from TeAm Anandtech :)

I was browsing your forum when I saw the post about giving up on Seti. This would be a bad time to quit since the project has secured a new 100Mb Pipeline :)

Check this link:

Also, please feel free to drop by our DC forum and look around. We have a lot of DC nuts like myself who keep up with project news so it is a good place to find out things :) We always welcome members of other teams and are always willing to help out if you have questions. Afterall it's all for the good of the project :)

Hope to see you around :)
Hey man, I post a lot in ATOT, but I think my wu's are gonna stay with THG (I'm #24 on my team, but probably wouldn't be in the top 250 in yours hehe).

If my baby don't love me, I know, I know, her sister will.
I'm not looking for you to change :) Just letting you know we have an active DC forum that is a great place to get the latest info :)
Thanks. I check it out every once in a while, and they had a lot of good info on the new connection.

If my baby don't love me, I know, I know, her sister will.
I was still crunching when they made the switch. Was very nice to finally up and download the 30 or so WU's I had built up due to the slow connection and finally the complete off-line due to the switch. I now know what they mean by doing a double take! I got so used to seeing a yellow SetiDriver icon that I cleaned my glasses a couple of times just to make sure I saw a blue icon!

Got to hand it to those Berkeley folks for doing an outstanding job in making the switch. Even checked out the pics they took during the cleaning/re-organizing of the Seti closet. Very impressive.

<i><font color=blue>It takes 10 'Attaboys' to make up for 1 'Awww...crap!'</font color=blue></i>