New Entertainment/Gaming Laptop Needed for University

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Jun 25, 2011
I'm looking for a new Laptop to take to University in September, portabilty is not a massive issue and I have been looking at 17" and 15.4" laptops and have no real preference for either. I like to play games quite a lot on my current Laptop which is a Dell XPS M1530 on it's last legs. I have a budget of about £700 but I am willing to push this a little if needs be.
I say portability isn't a massive issue as I do not plan on taking my laptop with me to lectures on a regular basis or anything, but it will just be easier transfering to and from Uni than a desktop and the portable option is always there if needed.
Suggestions will be greatly appreciated! :)
They are very tempting but I don't think my budget will stretch that far, what processor would you recommend because I think I always aim too high.
What would you say the cheapest price is realisticaly that I could get a decent gaming laptop for then? I don't mean something that can the most demanding games on high on everything, just something that is competent.
I'm just trying to get an idea of what to get at the moment because with the way some of my recent exams have gone I'm not even sure if I'll be going to Univesity in September in which case I would build a desktop because that's something I've wanted to do for a few years and obviously it has a lot of benefits over a laptop, My brother's just been suggesting that I'd probably be better off with a laptop at Uni.
The problem is GT 555M/540M are considered mid-range cards and anything lower than them won't give you a good performance
I'd suggest building a gaming desktop and buy a non-gaming laptop for uni.
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