ssddx :
this is why i mentioned new recording instruments. yes i realize that not all films utilize them but some do. the films i am referring to are the ones that use the new equipment.
oh i agree, multiple mics are not required. i just mentioned that they could provide some nice sound effects if used propperly in certain situations. you could also achieve a similar effect by manually matching sounds to speakers during editing.
i have an 80gb ipod currently with 3,086 songs using up 23gb. that equates to about 7.5mb per song. all are higher quality mp3 or aac.
if i wanted to use a lossless format such as flac the average file size would be about 28mb per song (looked average flac size up on google) or about 86gb for my collection.
granted i could still carry "almost" my whole collection with me but compared to some people my collection is puny. i agree that i was exaggerating a little on sizes but you get what i mean.
multiple mics not required is simply a 'dont knock it without experiencing it' on the behalf of the skeptic.
i went into more detail about feasibility in my post above.
it's just another example of people being stubborn until somebody does it and shows them what they are missing.
because until then, they dont know or care.. because if there isnt a lot of talk about it, it cant be very good right? lol
i beg to differ.. because there are a lot of products available for sale that have HUNDREDS of positive reviews, and then when you try it yourself.. it really isnt all that good.
hopefully some of those reviews are talking about the product not breaking, and that is a good thing.
but people always say 'it is the best' when they havent ever tried something better.
kinda like the saying 'i found it.. it was in the last place i looked'
of couse it is in the last place you looked.. why would you continue looking for it after you already found it?!! lol
but anyways..
i think some people with ipods might have bigger collections, but that doesnt mean they have the best setup.
if your collection is bigger than the hard drive, you should consider organizing the ipod into different groups.
then put each group on a different hard drive, or a different ipod altogether.
maybe it is music genre
maybe it is by the year the song was released.
if i HAD TO divide a music collection.. i would probably do it by the year the song was released.
and even then, i would probably want a spare ipod (or hard drive) to be able to throw together a custom mix of many different decades.
i dont see how people can use an ipod, because selecting what i want to hear can prove to be very difficult.
do i want to make a playlist for a road trip that is going to last 3 hours?
do i simply grab a decade (such as the 1970's or 1990's and listen to a song.. then think long and hard about what i want to hear next.
i get angry flipping through a music collection trying to play music one song at a time.
sometimes i think of an album i want to hear.
sometimes i think of an artist i want to hear.
and sometimes i think of a decade i want to hear.
it is when i want to hear music of a specific 'generation' that i get upset.
wanting to be alternative rock or hiphop .. and then if i press 'randomize' .. i might hear songs from decades i want to avoid.
more than one hard drive shouldnt be too bad while we wait for bigger capacities.
changing the hard drive in an ipod might be a little difficult.
i dont know about that as i dont own one or have had to change the hard drive.
removing a cover and sliding out the hard drive would allow for quick changes.
even if it was similar to removing a battery from a cell phone.. as that isnt too hard.
removing a cover with lots of screws might be annoying.
and having to remove some circuit boards to get to the hard drive would be really annoying.
kinda like 'urging' us to simply buy more than one ipod.
since cd's are usually about 700MB each right?
that means the 120gb ipod could store about 175 albums.
they also say an audio cd has an average maximum of 80 minutes.. and it doesnt use the full space available.
since it is data that is most important, the minute length is nothing.
i am guessing most music cd's dont even care about the minute length as long as the data will fit onto the disc data limit.
wikipedia says the cd's are 650MB - 900MB
so i will do the math again for 900MB
a 120GB hard drive is said to hold about 136 albums of cd quality sound (no trimmed flac or compressed mp3)
but we all know a 120GB hard drive will actually be a little bit less, and who knows how much the ipod will take away from the hard drive.
136 albums isnt enough for an entire music collection, no doubt about that !!
the ipod video has a hard drive upgrade, with the new hard drive size being 240GB
still not enough for an entire collection, and when you get that close to being completely done.. i think almost getting there makes it more frustrating.