Question New laptop Battery capacity reduced after attempted Callibration

Nov 14, 2021
I just got a new battery for my Alienware 15r3 and after attempting to calibrate (Charge to 100 then discharge and recharge) The battery health dropped from 100% to 97% with a corresponding decrease in the max capacity, I did this again thinking it was a mistake and it dropped from 97% to 94% . Could it be the battery or should i attempt calibration again?
It's a difference in battery capacity's, return the battery, for a OEM battery or live with it. It could run fine despite the differences.
Can you list the mAh , and voltage specs on both battery's? And any other electrical info you can find on each.?
It's a difference in battery capacity's, return the battery, for a OEM battery or live with it. It could run fine despite the differences.
Can you list the mAh , and voltage specs on both battery's? And any other electrical info you can find on each.?
New Battery
Rated Capacity: 98,998 mWh
Capacity at 100% before 1st Calibration: 98,998 mWh (0.0% wear level )
Capacity at 100% After1st Calibration: 96,079mWh (2.9% wear level)
Capacity at 100% After2nd Calibration: 93,161mWh (5.9% wear level)
You are misunderstanding me.
There is no laptop battery that will have 98 thousand 9 hundred and change megawatt hours, or you could power a Tesla with it. LOL
What you are reading off has nothing to do with what the battery capacity is, which is measured in watt/hours, you are reading off a CALCULATED
% of whats left of your battery by your computer.

What I am looking for is the rated capacity of the battery, as rated and printed on each by the manufacturers of both batterys.
Just read the numbers printed on both of the batterys or better yet, take a picture of both side by side with the ratings showing.