New laptop


Dec 16, 2012
Hello guys my name is Rob, I'm looking to buy a laptop on finance in UK. I'm looking for something cheaper than £1600 but it must be able to run at least witcher 2 with ubersampling on. I found PCspecialists and that's about it. I guess it could have at least 7970m in CF or 680m in SLI. Thanks for your time and advice.
You want a gaming laptop that has TWO (read: insanely expensive) of the most expensive mobile gaming chips out there... that runs one of the most graphically intensive games out there with a setting that does nothing but kills framerates... and you want it to be cheap?

I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen. I'm not even sure that two 680m's would run the witcher 2 with ubersampling smoothly at 1080p.
Thats not going to happen? thats a funny one since on pcspecialists you can get double 7970m for £1500 so say that again :) i was only wondering if you know someone else. Laptop there is called vortex 3 elite if you dont believe me check it out and indeed they both can run it on ultra :)

L1600 is like $2500. OP is not looking for cheap... just options.
Thank you for your answer guys, don't take me wrong but alienware is way too overprices, i mean you get much better specs on pcspecialist for 1500 whereas for the same specs you would have to pay 2200 on alienware just because of its brand + the reputation of it it's going rapidally down esspecially because of its cusomer service.
XoticPC and all the other "boutique" laptop vendors use Clevo chassis for their lappies. So did Alienware before Dell bought them. I buy them in the US here:

And have them custom built to my spec from the options available. The Clevo P370EM is what you are looking for:

GFX Options:
AMD® Radeon™ HD 7970M 2GB GDDR5
Dual NVIDIA® GeForce™ GTX 670M's total 3GB GDDR5 in SLI
Dual NVIDIA® GeForce™ GTX 670MX's Total 6GB GDDR5 in SLI +$200.00
NVIDIA® GeForce™ GTX 680M 4GB GDDR5 Memory +$250.00
Dual AMD® Radeon™ HD 7970M's total 4GB GDDR5 in CrossFireX™ +$400.00
Dual NVIDIA® GeForce™ GTX 680M's total 8GB GDDR5 in SLI! +$900.00
NVIDIA® Quadro™ K5000M Graphics with 4GB GDDR5 Video Memory + $1,850.00

The dual 680M's are faster but I don't think they $500 faster.

Options on CPU (up to i7-3940XM Extreme Edition ), SSD's (up to 480GB Intel® 520 Series in RAID), HD's (Seagate Momentus available), memory (up to 32GB) etc are many.

Get the lowdown on Clevo stuff and find a UK base dealer looking here:

CLEVO is a large Taiwanese computer company specializing in laptops. While the Clevo brand name is perhaps not widely known, their products are re-branded and sold by known boutique brand OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers)… notably Sager, VoodooPC, Falcon Northwest, Eurocom, etc.
They are also considered (by whoever knows about notebooks) to design and manufacturer the best of the best notebooks in terms of superior build quality and innovative designs.