New Lenovo Laptop is Slow

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Sep 18, 2015
From the first day of my experienced with my new lenovo g50 with good specs windows 8.1, it is experiencing slow, just clicking the folder takes more than 8-10 secs to open and load, even when my im trying to click other apps such as photoshop, google, minutes past and it is still loading to open, even when im playing, im trying to unpause the game, my pc just shut down, sometimes the caps lock on/off are switching. It even just stop, no cursor, just nothing, the screen aren't moving so i only just force to shut it down. Im not expecting a very fast laptop, but based on its specs, im not expecting it to be this slow. Can you guys help me? I don't know if the problem is because of windows 8.1 or the laptop, because it is new. My laptop is 6 days old only T_T it's stressing me really hard.

i5 5th gen
4gb ram
4gb AMD video vard
1tb HD
2.20 ghz
4 cpu's
64 bit
Lenovo 80E5
Don't bother installing Windows 10, the store may not allow you to return it because it is not same configuration as when you bought it.

Reinstall Windows 8.1. If the problem persists, then return it for a refund or exchange.
1. Click the battery icon in the lower right tray, then click "More Power Options".
2. Select "High Performance", then click "Change plan settings".
3. In the new window click "Change advanced power settings".
4. In the Power Options window scroll down until you see "Processor power management".
5. Click to expand, then click on "Maximum power state".
6. Make sure it states 100%, if not then change it to 100%.

If your laptop is still sluggish, then perhaps Windows 8.1 was not installed properly. Consult your manual about how to restore the laptop to factory settings. Basically, you want to re-install Windows 8.1 from the recovery partition.

If your laptop is still sluggish after a system restore, then return it to the store and ask for an exchange. If the store allows you test out the laptop before walking out (unless you purchased online) then do so just to see if you experience the same sluggishness. Or bring it home and do it.
I checked already the battery option and it's on max.
I'll try to reinstall windows 8.1, or maybe i should go to windows 10? Do you think my laptop can manage w10? My friend who has same laptop as i and has better specs didnt take the windows 10. I cant return the laptop anymore, i only have 5 days to return it.
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