Schtauffen :
All my parts are scheduled to arrive this next week for my new build.
I would like to get it protected from internet woes ASAP, also looking for utilities to keep the system running smoothly with little work on my part.
I am planning so far:
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus
& Advanced System Optimizer
Smart Defrag
Spy Bot S&D
maybe Sandboxie?
Is there any "must haves"? Am I over-doing anything?
Kindly I ask your attention.
, I don't know anything about it!
But a good Uninstaller program or a program that has the option too, would be good to have.
This in case you want to delete/uninstall a program, so that all of it is really uninstalled. Keeps you register/system clean!
Anti Virus, I use different programs after a while.
Togehter with some Anti Virus software, you need a different Anti Spy software.
I use Easy Defrag (I got it free from GOTD) for keeping all the stuff together for better use of the HDD/SSD.
Register cleaning did every time strange things to my system, so I don't use it.
Maybe a good Partition Manager with the options for partition/HDD/SSD/System backup would be great too. In case you need it after error's with the partition or drive. In this case I would say, everybody has to have one.
Look for one that has a Live CD/DVD ISO attached to it. You have to burn it, while doing it, the program will install/burn the drivers needed from the system installed.
What about Eraser and Unlocker, nearly never needed. But comes in handy when does and eraser can be used for always erase it with eraser with amount of chooses for erasing the files or whatever.
Unlocker can be used when a file is still used by a program or system and can't be copied/erased or moved. The program will take care of it and if necessary done after a/next reboot.
If you type a lot and use a lot of the same phrases, you could download Phrase Express or a program with the same functions for free.
If you need an free Office suite, Open Office will do efficient or whatever you like.
I you need an text editor that keeps the files open when you start the program, Notepad++ might be the program you need. It's a program for programmers.
If you need a good Paint program, go for Paint.Net. It's free and you can do a lot.
Gimp is a very good provider if you want it to have more Photoshop options.
When I'm not mistaken, Paint.Net does too.
If you need a good PDF reader, Foxit Reader will do and starts very quick!
Adobe Reader takes a lot of time to start.
If you need a good Microsoft Office Document Opener, you can download it from the net. Just type in the programs name or what you need.
While looking for these programs, you might/will find a lot of good free programs.
Before starting trying, install the uninstaller. So, when you uninstall, all of the programs will be uninstalled. No dirty registry, when the program works correct.
And create a system/partition backup of the installation you want with all the programs before trying and when you have all the programs you like, create another backup!
If you like, you could do the backup without the Anti Virus software. This in case you sue a demo for try.
What you could do before installing, is download all the latest version of all the programs you want to install, put them to an USB stick or whatever you have. Have them checked with Anti Virus software and unplug the USB stick or whatever you put it on.
The issue is this,
When you install a new Anti Virus software, it still needs to update itself for having the latest definitions.
So, download the Anti Virus software too and have it checked, unless you have a CD/DVD. Install it before you connect and update it when you connect idiotically.
And than install the rest of it.
I would stay disconnect, install the uninstaller, than the Anti Virus program and than the rest of it. First what I would be shore of and than the rest.
Either way, have them checked.
And what you always can do is when you know the parts of your rig, looking on the net for known issues or common known issues.
Maybe there is an update that you might need. Either you download it in event of you can do it when the issue occurs.
You have to update it all anyway, so it's all about being prepared I guess.
Hopefully I let you known enough and that you will find the answers you seek!
Good luck and have fun doing it!
Best Regards,