New Install Basic Load

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Like many of you, I am the "tech support" or "geek in residence" for my family, neighbors, and co-workers. As such, I often build/re-build systems for folks. When I set up a new system, I install several applications to assist the users in their future computing needs. The basic load I install includes (will only discuss Windows loads here, will do a Linux load thread in the future):

CCleaner (free version)
Malwarebytes (free version)
Microsoft Security Essentials
Adobe Reader/Flash/Shockwave
GIMP for Windows
VLC Player
All current drivers from vendor sites
Windows fully updated with all patches/updates/service packs applied

The question is this, what would you add to this list? Keep in mind that one criteria I use is that the app must be "free" (as in no cost to me or the user). If they want to buy something, like MS Office, I assist in the install. I also only use legitimate software, no ill gotten warez.

So, what suggestions are there to make this basic load more robust/user friendly?

1.Instead of Adobe Reader, you can try Foxit Reader (Free and LightWeight)
2.Install Dameon Tools Lite, If they Need any Virtual drives for gaming Etc. (Free)
3. 7zip (or Any other Zip/unzipping Software). Almost a must.
4. CDBurner XP( (Freeware to Burn Cds/dvds/Blurays)
5. If needed you can install a PDF printer, CutePDF (Freeware)

Hop this helps
1.Instead of Adobe Reader, you can try Foxit Reader (Free and LightWeight)
2.Install Dameon Tools Lite, If they Need any Virtual drives for gaming Etc. (Free)
3. 7zip (or Any other Zip/unzipping Software). Almost a must.
4. CDBurner XP( (Freeware to Burn Cds/dvds/Blurays)
5. If needed you can install a PDF printer, CutePDF (Freeware)

Hop this helps
Great suggestions. Especially 7zip and CutePDF. I do install Nero if the system has a burner (left off my original list) and PowerDVD or WinDVD OEM versions for their movie pleasure.

I like Adobe Reader since it auto updates. Not familiar with Foxit (will check it out).

i used FOXIT READER: you can go Help > Check for Updates Now.. > Preference >Foxit reader updater preference>automatically check for Foxit updates: >Each week / Each month
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