New to VPNs

Lv 88 Mog

Jan 25, 2016
Hi, I just recently purchased PIA and have a few questions.

First of all, I have only been using the default settings - is there any thing I should tweak or is it fine "right out of the box" for normal use?

Secondly, I have only been turning it on for very specific instances - when I'm using specific websites (e.g. looking at my bank account at Starbucks, or activating a free digital copy code that comes with a blu-ray while out of the country, etc)... is this typical way to use a VPN? I don't need to leave it on at all times, right?

Thirdly, I've had an instance where I was using it and, for some reason, I suddenly got disconnected. If I happen to be doing something at the time that it disconnects, should I be concerned that I'm getting caught "with my pants down" or will I be fine if I just reconnect quickly before doing anything else?

Fourthly, I noticed a little VPN button on Windows 10 in the notification side panel and when I click on it, it asks if I want to set up a new VPN connection. I searched and found tutorials on setting this up for PIA, but I also saw that this is something called an L2TP connection and isn't recommended...should I just use the PIA app itself, or is there a benefit to setting this up?

Finally, when I'm at my work, I tried turning on my VPN, but it couldn't connect. I also noticed that certain sites (I think sites that are labeled as unprotected connection) also could not be accessed. I'm assuming that my workplace has setup their firewalls or whatever to not allow VPN's or certain kinds of sites (for example, I couldn't even access the PIA help page or forum from the wifi at work). Is there no way around this?

Thanks ahead for any kind advice!
My VPN slows my connection A LOT! = 110Mbs when off, 25Mbs with it on.
But I'm going from Ohio to Sweden and back through Miami.
They do offer servers in the US, but I won't use them.

I don't think short interruptions are a big deal unless you are being hacked at the exact second it happens. But anything's possible.

As for using your VPN at work. Ask for permission.
I'm sure that by being a pretty smart guy, you can sell them the benefits.


Nov 17, 2010
I am no expert, I had help setting mine up.

1. The expert did tweak a few settings but I don't remember what or why. I will try to look it up again.

2. You don't need it on all of the time, especially while gaming. I did something dumb and got hacked so now I leave it on all the time and only turn it off to play games.

3. If a computer can do over 4 billion calcs per second, a second is a long time. You can get hacked in a split second.

4. I see no need to turn on Windows VPN. I can see a lot of downsides to having Microsoft VPN. I use AzireVPN with servers in Sweden so the USA can't ever look at their servers. Connecting to Redmond would defeat the whole point.

5. A work VPN should be set up by IT.

Lv 88 Mog

Jan 25, 2016

Thanks a lot for the info! About leaving it on - doesn't it slightly slow down your internet speeds? And, I also read somewhere that leaving VPN's on all the time is hard on your router. I have NO idea if any of that is true, just things that caught my eye here or there and wonder if there is any truth to it, or just myths.

Secondly, about it disconnecting and me possibly being hacked - well, I didn't disconnect purposefully! It just lost connection somehow (and I'm on a wired connection, with a download speed of 500+mbps and upload 800+mbps, I live in Tokyo). I have no idea when it's just going to decide to disconnect me, so how is it even useful if I can't rely on it to keep me private? Anyone else have a similar issue before?

Yeah, I got the feeling that the Windows VPN wasn't worth my time. lol

And finally, well - that's a little bit difficult. I'm not a businessman or working in a big company with an IT department - I won't go into detail, but my work is related to education and we are small without any specified IT person (actually, I know the most about PC's, so if anyone needs PC stuff set up, I'm the one they ask...I know, scary, right?). The internet we are using was just set up by the provider and I don't know how they configured it. I have above average experience with hardware, building PCs, repairing PCs (hardware, or fixing BSOD, stuff like that), a lot in gaming, software, Microsoft Office, presentations and spreadsheets, you know, stuff like that. I'm 100% self-taught and learned just by tinkering with PCs for over 25 years...and somehow, even though I'm proficient in surfing the web for personal needs and getting info or research, I just never ever learned about stuff like networking or internet lingo (like ports and protocols and how to tweak routers or setup firewalls blah blah blah).

The bad thing about being self-taught is that you develop major holes - like a self-taught guitarist that can rip out incredible solos by ear good enough for part-time studio work, but doesn't even know how to read sheet music (yeah, that's me, too).

........aaaaand, I know that 90% of this post is irrelevant ramble....


Nov 17, 2010
My VPN slows my connection A LOT! = 110Mbs when off, 25Mbs with it on.
But I'm going from Ohio to Sweden and back through Miami.
They do offer servers in the US, but I won't use them.

I don't think short interruptions are a big deal unless you are being hacked at the exact second it happens. But anything's possible.

As for using your VPN at work. Ask for permission.
I'm sure that by being a pretty smart guy, you can sell them the benefits.