Newly Appointed Yahoo! CEO Confirms She's Pregnant

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This woman is probably yahoo's last, best hope for becoming a relevant search engine. She did a lot of great things at Google. It'll be really interesting to see what she does with yahoo.
Why is this news, millions of people get pregnant every day but I don't see stories about them everywhere. And also what does this have to do with tech or hardware?... I wish I didn't click this story
lol@the chauvinists asking "Why do we care?" Well, let's see: She was just hired as CEO of Yahoo! after leaving the upper echelon of Google... Some pretty important positions she has held, yeah? Do you know what happens when women are pregnant? They take maternity leave. You know what happens when a CEO is on maternity leave? Someone fills in. Therefore, she has ____ months before leaving for a significant amount of time.

So yeah, I'd say it's pretty important and definitely newsworthy.
[citation][nom]captaincharisma[/nom]LOL i guess she left google because they denied her maternity leave[/citation]
LOL... like that will ever happen. Esp. at Google, where they're known for pampering their regular employees, let alone CEOs.
She left Google because she was offered a fatter paycheck and/or lighter hours. Yahoo isn't even half as busy as Google nowadays.
Anyhow, the fact that she is/was pregnant at the moment of firing had nothing to do with the hiring process itself. They didn't "hunt" her for her reproductive abilities.
I realize this may seem like irrelevant or unecessary news but in reality it's not. Information pertaining to companies like Google or Yahoo is important and that's what Toms covers. My first thoughts were about how this would effect her dedication to the company and got me questioning the wisdom of hiring her right before she is about to have a kid. These things will affect the company, stock holders, and consumers.
So in effect: there are many people that "care"
Good for her! Unfortunately many women end up having problems finding jobs during pregnancy. Yes, in the U.S. discrimination against pregnancy is illegal, but of course the potential employer can come up with a ton of other excuses like "oh, she wasn't right for the job" or "she was overqualified."
[citation][nom]bison88[/nom]The bond between Google and Yahoo is now complete.[/citation]
you mean sky net, for which she is about to give birth.
She received her B.S. in Symbolic Systems and her M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University, specializing in artificial intelligence for both degrees.
sorry couldn't resist.
[citation][nom]jibbs[/nom]and this is tech news why????[/citation]
A company that has been struggling/dying for how many years now? Making bad decision after bad decision, barely staying afloat, and now super-mom is here to the rescue... how exactly is this not tech news?

..I mean, it would be interesting news if Balmer were pregnant... 😛
..I mean, it would be interesting news if Balmer were pregnant...[/citation]

Great, I hadn't considered the possibility of Balmer spawning...thanks a lot.
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