Nintendo Shares Fall 5-Yr Low After Wii U Revealed

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Apr 17, 2010
If Nintendo crumbles, the entire gaming industry will crash. Doesn't matter if you hate Nintendo or not, they are the ones that have been pioneering the gaming industry for the past 3 decades. The only reason gaming has got to where it is at now is because Nintendo has been the one pushing it forward. "Gamers" didn't recognize cheap bite-sized games can be enjoyable. I have not seen one person who calls themselves gamers say "OMG! These cheap 2 dollar applications on my iphone is just as good as my PS3 and Xbox games!"

The gaming industry has been growing in sheer numbers. It will continue to do so. Why? Because gaming EVOLVES. It isn't a fad. It isn't "new". It continues to evolve as society evolves which in turn will ALWAYS have a huge market.


Will Wright is just saying that cause they can't produce great games anymore.
There stuck in a methodology of releasing crappy games, and patching them yearly with expansions.

Lots of developers will still make 2-3 year production cycles.

Look at iD and Bethesda, their making great games in Rage, Doom 4, Skyrim, and soon Fallout 4.

Gamers have just adapted to know when they are getting ripped off...theirs too many subpar crap out right now that only the elite will survive.


Sep 6, 2008
I can understand why Nintendo shares fell. Wii U simply isn't as exciting - or innovative - as the NGP, or PS Vita. The Wii U doesn't make me want to go out and try out a console/handheld. The PS Vita does.

I think the share prices dropping had more to do with the potentially disruptive nature of PS Vita on the handheld console market, which has pretty much been dominated by Nintendo so far.


Jan 18, 2010
[citation][nom]smeker[/nom]Because it's a cheap piece of crap, with 5 year old tech[/citation]

I actually noticed that. Though specs aren't... specific at this point the Wii U doesn't appear to be doing anything that the Xbox or especially the PS3 can't do right now. I saw an article that said that the Wii U would have a 3.2 ghz IBM based CPU. Both the Xbox and PS3 also have 3.2ghz IBM based CPUs, with the Cell obviously winning from a strictly horsepower standpoint.

The Wii U looks like an answer to the Xbox 360 and PS3 when those two consoles are on their last legs. In two years time at most both MS and Sony will have released their new, more powerful consoles and the Wii U will be stuck with crap hardware, again left behind.

If anything, that seems like a legitimate reason for investors to sell their stock.

law shay

Jun 3, 2011
Well, the investors lack vision (well, that's why they are investors not inventors)

That screen in the joystick is for what ? Social networking of course. Let's say you are playing a racing game (mario kart or Need for Speed doesn't matter). Taunts and chit-chats across players would appear (even video chat) on that screen. Most of the time, the screen is for your ammo, amour and other stats that uses up split screen in family playing. This is not new but this is awesome.

I'm sure Microsoft and Sony would follow too.

Investors, when stupid Apple say domino or other card game playing using a (central) iPad and an iPod for each player, you cheers ! Now, it is the same concept but you sell your stocks. What a shame.


This is just the same story with the Wii all over again. Nintendo stocks dropped 5 years ago after the announcement of the Wii, only to guess what! Rise in geometrical proportions a month or two before the release date. Social Networking is HUGE right now, and developers, as well as analysts know this, but how is anyone to make money from expensive stocks? The price drops low, rich companies buy it, and become richer from profit, the end. Yes, the WiiU hardware is about 4 years old, BUT just how long do you think the xbox360 and ps3 lifespan is? If you look anywhere online, sony and microsoft both gave their systems a 9-10 year lifespan, and unless they take some losses to throw a new home console out there in 2 years (which is what brought down Sega in the first place), all three systems will die out at approximately the same time. Also, movies and games are different, they don't only immerse you (because last time I checked, it has to be an AWESOME movie to keep you glued to the screen) but they grow up with you. Developers don't stick to same things over and over again, unlike action movies, where you're doing something, someone kills your wife/family/friend/lover/dog/cat, and you have to take revenge, see explosions, drive a tank, all while meeting chicks in bikinis, they adapt to the market, attract the consumer based on their tastes. And to tell you the truth, games and movies are becoming one. Why do you think the ps2 was so successful? Because it was the first system where games which had immersive story, music, and experiences which closed the gap between a game and your imagination, which was the main reason why the gamecube was such a failure, nevertheless what happened when Resident Evil 4 came out on it? Let's make a note here, huge success. This was continued later, and not only with amazing games like uncharted, fallout, kingdom hearts, final fantasy, and hundreds of others, but with the fact that it isn't the video game industry falling behind the movies, it's the actual movie industry FEEDING off the game industry with their ideas. Every year we see a new movie come out based on a game, just because that particular game had the idea first, only to become mainstream blockbusters i.e resident evil. So in the end, Nintendo will always be there as a gaming giant, will always innovate and lead the industry, and its stocks, as well as other competing company stock, will always be bought in advance to release, the video game industry will never die, because video games are our own likes, dislikes, and creativity, they are the technology we develop and code to keep us entertained, and unless you prefer a cigarette, drugs, and alcohol as your entertainment, there will always be a need for a console, as well as its software, in your home.


Jun 4, 2010
I'm losing faith in these writers; the games today are too expensive and don't offer enough new, innovative content; the people playing Farmville and Fishfarm or whatever aren't the ones who play games like Bad Company 2 or what have you.

Game developers need to bring innovative titles to market instead of rehashing the same old game over and over and over again. I'm not saying that free/cheap 'mini' games aren't the future, but I can say that it won't be because everyone now playing the 'hardcore' games migrated but because they didn't want to keep spending more money for the same game. They'll still be playing 4, 5, 6+ year old games hoping for the developers to release good games again.


worth noting, most stocks rise on anticipation, fall after the event, i.e. look at APPL's price pre/post WWDC in past years. This degree of decline, though may be a bit more.

I think what investors/analysts are realizing is that the female market is a HUGE untapped female/casual demographic that Angry Birds/FB etc are tapping into which could upset the young male console hegemony. Personally though I don't care, as a guy I want both this and a 'vita'.


Aug 12, 2010
This article seems extremely pessimistic.

People expecting something extremely revolutionary in graphics terms, it's gonna be a while yet. Even the latest Unreal Engine tech demo wasn't what you would call an entirely next gen engine. Epic admitted that, they said it was more like Unreal Engine 3.8-3.9. We've hit a glass ceiling at the moment with graphics. Poly counts haven't dramatically increased in a long time, instead shaders and texture fidelity has been the focus, and now animations are coming into play. Tesselation is just beginning to come out, so we have a while to see any real fruits from that beyond a few games implementing it as just a side feature.

If you watch any of the Nintendo press conference videos on the Wii U it is a very impressive product. Analysts saying "Where's the social aspect?" have no vision, as the vid's showed video chat, interactivity between the tablet and TV showing that you can literally throw videos and movies up onto the big screen to share, that the console can access the net, and that multiscreen gaming can bring more people in the house to the same console to play.

Third party support is going to be the biggest deal with this console, as just about every major publisher has pledged support (Darksiders 2 as a launch title, Batman: AC, Aliens: CM, BF3, etc), and that was what the Wii did not have (UBI and EA don't count as they were responsible for the majority of the shovelware).

I say wait to see what Nintendo's plan for online service is though, as mum's been the word so far. But after seeing the abysmal failure of the current Wii's service and the backlash from it, they would be stupid not to implement a full featured network akin to Live or PSN. Not stupid friend codes.

I say to just ignore the majority of analysts as all they do is count beans, and aren't actually involved in the gaming industry besides swapping stocks.


May 23, 2005
Nothing prevents N or third parties to put social media related programs on it. Now Wii U has a touch screen that can be used as ... KEYBOARD in ANY language. Try to beat that!


May 22, 2009
[citation][nom]slabbo[/nom]so if you could you should start buying Nintendo stock now! those analyst are idiots.[/citation]
Well.. I wouldn't go that far. The Wii was new technology, I don't see people getting burned by it again - dropping hundreds of dollars for a new controller. I believe this time around we need to see games before that system is off the shelf.


Nov 19, 2010
The future of gaming is emulation consoles based on ARM processors, that have a battery life of ~10 hours playing time, and lots of older and free games.
A console, based on Linux where you can play MSDOS games on, GameBoy games, Playstation, and a whole bunch of other older formats...

A console that can do more than just playing games, that's the future console. Unfortunately there's no legal way to create one, although openpandora is getting pretty close!
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