Solved! no audio with Sony x80j, Logitech G51 and optical/rca adapter

Sep 10, 2021
So I have a new Sony/Bravia x80j and an old Logitech G51 audio system. The audio system only has rca inputs, and the tv doesn't have rca out. So I got a Musou optical to rca adapter and set it up - I saw somebody in the reviews say that most people would hear static until they switched from dolby to pcm in the tv audio settings. I had no sound at all and switching to pcm didn't help.
Maybe worth mentioning that I don't have the little volume dial or one of the speakers that comes with the logitech system? Are my speakers broken, is there some compatibility issue, or is there some fix?

Well first of all, does that speaker system work at all without the control pod? Never mind it working with the TV and your adapter, does it work with a computer or any other source? I doubt it will work without that controller but who knows.

Once you are sure the speakers work, make sure the adapter you got is the correct one. You will need optical to RCA adapter not RCA to optical. Make sure the optical cable is seated properly, those are easy to connect wrong or break the little door that holds it in place.
Well first of all, does that speaker system work at all without the control pod? Never mind it working with the TV and your adapter, does it work with a computer or any other source? I doubt it will work without that controller but who knows.

Once you are sure the speakers work, make sure the adapter you got is the correct one. You will need optical to RCA adapter not RCA to optical. Make sure the optical cable is seated properly, those are easy to connect wrong or break the little door that holds it in place.