Nokia Lumia 928 New Owner questions


Jun 25, 2012
Hi All,
I recently made the plunge and bought my first smartphone, the Nokia Lumia 928 on verizon. It's an awesome phone, certainly faster than my old Samsung Galaxy Player. However, I find that the battery life is quite short. For instance, on my old galaxy player, playing 20 min of jetpack joyride would take around 10% of the battery, and thats after using the device for over 2 years. With my new smartphone, just getting to the store and downloading jetpack joyride drained 4% of the battery, and playing the game for just 5 minutes drained the battery 10%. When I conducted this test, my cellular data was off, nfc off, bluetooth off, wifi on, and the brightness was on auto. Also, I had a website loaded in the background and the music player playing music.

For a new phone the battery life seems short, but I'm not sure because I can't relate it to any other smartphone. Is this kind of battery drain normal?
This phone seems to get better life after several charging cycles. I would wait for 2 weeks to see.
Also, try a reboot (shut down and power +).
Also, be sure to close background apps.