North Korea Claims to Have Nuclear Fusion

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Actually "cold fusion" is holy grail since it's unachievable.

"Regular" fusion requires high temperature magnetic confimenent, around 100 megakelvins (yeah 100 milion degrees) and not hydrogen itself, but its unstable isotopes, deuterium and tritium, which combined give helium plus a vast amount of energy.

The issue with current systems is the power input being higher than the output, due to high magnetic fields provided by coils that should be around -250 K, next to a wall which contains ions at 100 million degrees.

The theory works, the issue is to make it a stable reaction (needs a very pure environment and impurities arise from the containing walls due to, you know, 100 million degrees).

And also, of course, a proper way to extract the heat from it and direct it to a turbine with some water.

I've read some "dads" being nuclear physicists, or some wikipedia readers, but you should check your facts.

I'm designing a core simulator for ITER.
We have nuclear fusion bombs since the 70s, AKA thermo nuclear or H bomb. We should even suply a few warheads to the dear leader of NK free of charge. They could be delivered right to Pyongyang.
[citation][nom]trialsking[/nom]I bet they will use this fusion reactor to build nano suits.........[/citation]

They are getting pwned by Americans in nanosuits! Ohh wait this isnt Crysis! 🙁
The only thing I have against N.Korea is their poor human rights history. However of course if they did manage to develop sustainable nuclear fusion power generation technology then I'd be quite happy. I'm skeptical though.
In other news, North Korea is vaporized when their reactor built from the parts of 13 junkyard cars and a George Foreman grill goes horribly horribly wrong.
I can only hope it's true. That will give other major powers a kick in the ass to do the same. This should have been reality quite a few years ago.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Actually, its been since the 50's, but we wont hold it against you[/citation]

I just checked and your right, they were even making 2 stage thermo nuclear bombs in 52. Its sad that they stopped making airborne tests so early...
Damn, we just picked that article apart...ROFL. This article with the combined comments was better than any SNL skit I have watched.
[citation][nom]Boxa786[/nom]I dont support anything but my own two leggs[/citation]

I prefer that my own 2 legs support me, but to each their own.
[citation][nom]kakalios[/nom]FYI Europe is not a country! Its a continent[/citation]

The way things happen in Europe it will be soon a country ruled by some multi-ethnic dictatorship of bureaucrats
"They probably conducted some small-scale experiment."
Size doesn't matter. Fusion is fusion. If they have results and a process that can pass peir review...
They aren't actually the first either. There are 2 physicists from Canada that successfully demonstrated a version of cold fusion. They were riduculed, Ph.D's taken away... now it has been reproduced by 16 contries including Japan, Russia and the US.
Stay in the know.
I don't believe they have done it. In School, the people in North Korea are taught nothing but to warship thier dictator Kim Jong. The people of North Korea are cut off from the rest of the world they only know what their dictator wants them to know. You should learn more... Then you will not believe thier claims either.
[citation][nom]reverendxero[/nom]"They probably conducted some small-scale experiment."Size doesn't matter. Fusion is fusion. If they have results and a process that can pass peir review...They aren't actually the first either. There are 2 physicists from Canada that successfully demonstrated a version of cold fusion. They were riduculed, Ph.D's taken away... now it has been reproduced by 16 contries including Japan, Russia and the US.Stay in the know.[/citation]

Fusion is totally different than cold fusion guess your not in the know, check my link it has been done by most countries but is still experimental.

Basically they they create a chamber with electromagnetic magnetic containment then in the center of the chamber they have a rare isotope which they hit with huge powerful lasers this in turn creates a fusion reaction many times hotter than center of our sun now to keep this going they need to feed the reactor with hydrogen without a supply the reaction dies out.

That is the layman's explanation as simple as i can put it.
There is nothing magical about this and the article is not accurate either because it has been done before not much has been in the news about it is all.
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