Hollowtek, I don't understand your comment. The scientific community dismisses it because it is highly improbable that NK is able to do such a thing. Now if they have, great, wonderful, let them show it to the world and resolve the worlds energy problems, let them show it to world and teach the "evil western nations" by giving the secret to such a power source and collapsing the western economy. Is NK trying? Doubtful, the people there are trying to survive their own government and yes the US relies heavily on coal, like many other nations, the US also relies on fuel oil, water power, some minor nuclear, wind and solar. The only real steps away from coal have been by France with their investment in nukes. Outside of that lets us look at the worlds most populated nations, India and China, how do they handle their citizens power needs? Oh wait, in many cases they simply don't. Much older nations than the US who still let the bulk of their population wallow in 3rd world poverty.