Not accepting my Kraken mic

Mar 18, 2018
New installed Razer Kraken USB mic not reacting - need it for a foreign language course - getting the message 'The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.' Help? thanks
That sound like a browser permission problem where the app from the webpage is trying to access the mic, and getting denied. Without having a new web application that can handle the permissions only thing you can do is change browsers and see if it is allowed in one or the other.
That sound like a browser permission problem where the app from the webpage is trying to access the mic, and getting denied. Without having a new web application that can handle the permissions only thing you can do is change browsers and see if it is allowed in one or the other.
calling people that are going in circles and circles I found a solution to you microphone not working try blowing it out with air I bought this new phone and took it back to the main store it blew it out and that's my girl work fine come on guys just got to be smarter than speaker Johnny P have a good day