Everything has arrived and been successfully set up
As indicated by my previous post I went with the Wharfedale 10.0's which sound beautiful. I bought the Yamaha RX-V375 (I actually ordered the 373, but the seller contacted me to let me know the item had been listed incorrectly and asked if I wished to proceed with the order, which I did as it's pretty much identical). Since posting my questions I've realised the PS2 has a digital optical output on the back and with an adapter the XBOX does optical out too (currently have a bid for the adapter on eBay). The PC, PS3 and PS4 are all connected to the unit via HDMI. All in all I'm very happy.
I would like to ask a couple of questions I've not been able to get answers to either online or in the instruction manuals. When setting up the audio on my PC there are a couple of things I am unsure about. On the "supported formats" tab of my audio device, I get a message when pressing the test button saying that Windows cannot play the test tone for both DTS Audio and Microsoft WMA Pro Audio. On the same screen are various different sample rate options. When testing through headphones last night, all of the options made a sound when the test button was pressed, although some only produced a sound through one side. Today I have tried again and nothing above 48.0 KHz is producing sound when the test button is pressed (through speakers or headphones). I believe due to this, the highest I can set on the advanced tab is 24 bit, 48000 Hz whereas last night I believe (although am not 100% certain) I got sound using 24 bit, 192000 KHz. I am unsure what to set and do not understand why settings that were working last night no longer work.
The other thing that confuses me is the different bit-stream options. Being I am using stereo, are any of the available options (such as Dolby and DTS etc) relevant? Many of them state 5.1 or 7.1 surround, but if used with stereo does the information from the other channels get broadcast through the stereo speaker (for example like the Turtle Beach DSS2 broadcasts surround sound using stereo headphones)?
It was only while typing this message I did the audio tests again (to confirm what I tested last night). So now I am concerned as to why tests that worked last night are no longer working. The PS3 warns that using incompatible options can damage equipment and I am hoping my equipment hasn't been damaged performing the tests on PC. Hopefully it's just a corrupted sound driver (Nvidia HD audio) or my PC being temperamental.
Update: Seems after reinstalling drivers and swapping from "DVI to HDMI" to HDMI (both ends), the highest I can go is 48.0 KHz, 24 bit. I don't know why the tests produced sound yesterday and not today but hopefully my equipment isn't damaged. Something else I've just realised is that for certain games I'll have to plug directly into the monitor as it only supports pass-through for TV and HDTV resolutions. Bummer
Further update: Being I play old games regularly, the limitations of the AVR's output resolutions are unacceptable. I've tried various methods of circumventing this (so I can use one of the graphics card outputs for sound and the other for video) but the closest I got still involved much hassle (I wont go into detail but it involved plugging and unplugging connections while the system was on to fool my graphics card into thinking multiple displays were connected). I'm going to have to output sound from my PC by another method. I already have an analogue to RCA lead (which I was previously using), but should I consider buying an SPDIF lead instead?
Further update: Most likely the last update I'll post to wrap up this thread, unless someone replies to my final question (which is more of an aside anyway).
I've ordered a Creative Sound Blaster Omni USB sound card along with a Turtle Beach DSS-2. The Omni appeals to me as it has DDL (enabling 5.1 out through optical) and a built in mic (actually two). This will enable me to use my AKG headphones (with 5.1 when used with the DSS-2) when I play online on my PC and not have to buy a separate mic. Strictly speaking I did not require the DSS-2 as the AV receiver emulates surround sound through the headphone jack. However it would be a hassle, requiring a USB cable to be routed in front of me so it doesn't get in the way, and a 3.5mm to 6.3mm adapter, so the DSS2 will simplify things.
It was only after ordering the DSS-2 that I discovered Creative have a similar product with more features called the Sound Blaster Recon3D (USB). It is compatible with the PC, PS3/4 and more. I may have to start a new thread to gather some opinions. If it is a lot better I may have to consider sending back the DSS-2.
Now, the question I mentioned earlier. In the settings for my onboard sound there are the options for sample rate and bit depth. When using an analogue output, what settings should be used? While the speakers work (in general) and make sound when the test button is pressed at the highest settings, is there actually any advantage to this? More importantly are there any disadvantages to having it set to the highest (will it affect performance)?