not typical whining high pitched sound tracking cookies virus ?


Sep 19, 2015
Pc is whining, emitting high pitched sound (fans are good), after i scan it with hitman pro for viruses - no more whining, how its posible?? cant find answer on internet.
My guess is that virus or tracking cookies makes procesor to work on certain frequancy that i can hear. This is not typical coil whining problem. Any genius here? :)
I'd be less concerned with coil whine, and more cognizant of task manager/cpu usage, etc....

WHat is your cpu utilization? ANy errant/mystery processes running during this 'whine'? SOme malware bitcoin miners suspend the program if you are using the mouse, suspending it/ramping down the program until periods of mouse inactivity....

Keep task manager open to notice for this...
Cpu usage is 0-1 % idle ~4.32 GHz (i7-4790k)
Still no whining, after cleaned it with hitman pro, (its not first time when this happens to me) ill check cpu usage and processes next time if it happens again. Thanks for info about bitcoin miners, that was new for me :)

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