Solved! Nvidia Control Panel not show settings

Jun 20, 2020
I am curreny using a asus laptop with Intel HD graphics and a Gtx 1050. The issue is that the nvidia control doesn't have the display and the video settings , idk why I tried a lot of things but I still don't have those settings, I think it has something to do with my integrated graphics. If anyone can help me fix this issue then that would be great. Thank you
Yeah. That looks like an ASUS, "Don't Mess with the Settings" tweak. I'm assuming you're downloaded and installed the latest drivers from the ASUS Support Page for your laptop?

-Wolf sends
In many cases, laptop manufacturers will limit what settings you can and cannot change in the control panel to protect the unit. Can you take a screen shot of your Control Panel and post it here? You'll need to use a third party hosting site like

-Wolf sends
Jun 20, 2020
Yes I did download the drivers from the asus support page, daam this means I need to delete those drivers. Thank you so much man really appreciate the effort..