Nvidia headlines-all gpus faulty?Postphone purchase of xps1730?HELP!


Jul 26, 2007
Earlier I had asked u pros about purchasing xps1730 with 8800in sli
as a desktop replacement.I was going to order an xps1730 but now I am reading reports that all nvidia gpus have a factory fitted fault.At the
best all that dell can do is ask for a bios update which increases the
fan speed.But the fault persists and in time the gpu has to be replaced.
What should I do wait or buy?
are dell products available in Iran?Maybe they can still help i.e. if u give them the laptop they can send it to Malaysia cause thats where all laptops are made for asia region
Checked out a couple of reports at digitimes and other websites,nvidia's
stockmarket rates have fallen drastically.The nvidia spokesperson has blamed component manufacturers in Taiwan for this trouble.Moreover nvidia says that it is fully commited to its customers and will help.It has already kept minimum 200million$ to give to retailers like dell,HP etc. to cover their repair costs which means replacing the faulty part(graphic card)
and not just bios updates.I know its cruel but send your laptop back to your uncle in UK as it is still under warranty.I hope your uncle has the sales recipt safely kept.Explain things to your uncle as as regards the faulty gpu if he is not computer literate otherwise he will not be able to explain things to dell telephone operators.Tell your uncle to get the name and email of the dell operator so that u can contact them;infact do this first before sending the laptop back to UK. Cheer up life has ups and downs,one should learn to
take things as they come.Wish u all the best and keep blogging.
The display driver is not responding issue has nothing to do with faulty GPUs - it has to do with the drivers. Download the latest drivers and see if they fix the problem. I had the same problem for a while on my Geforce Go 7950GTX, and it hasn't done it any more since the most recent driver update from Dell.