Obama Victory Image Becomes Facebook's Most Liked Post

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Congratulations, president Obama. Washington is obviously controlled by corporate lobbyists and the super wealthy like the Koch brothers whoever is elected, but the difference between Romney and Obama is that Obama was born a regular American, whereas Romney is a lobbyist and somebody who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and feels like it's his birth right to govern. I think the choice of who to trust for most Americans was pretty clear there, one of us, or part of the problem.

Unless of course, you believe that Romney/Ryan + all of the cast members of Bush the 2nd's cabinet, men who have never proposed a balanced budget in their lives, were going to balance the budget and be the first fiscally responsible Repub administration in 50 years. Clinton balanced the budget by cutting military spending after the cold war ended, Bush 2 blew the deficit back up to Bush 1 and Regan deficit levels and beyond by starting a new cold war.

You can talk about how Ryan likes to propose spending cuts all day long, but the only man who actually had a plan to balance the budget is Ron Paul, and the RNC changed the delegate rules specifically to prevent him from having any chance of winning the nomination, despite the fact that he dominated the late primaries.
[citation][nom]anon38429[/nom]Don't rage on Americans being killed. You don't want them killed, stop sending them off to other people's countries and sticking your noses in shit you don't understand.Blame your stupid foreign policy. Go back to being an isolationist and give the whole planet a break....[/citation]
This ^ is awesome

You know what a douchebag does? A douchebag will poke a lion with a stick. when that doesn't work he'll grab the Lionesses Cubs and slit their throats. When the Lioness realizes what is happening she will attack the douchebag. The Douchebag will then scream for help and paint the entire attack as being the fault of the Lioness.

That's the Neo-Conservative Tactic. When being honest one will admit that those Americans killed, as tragic as one may find the event to be, were working for Imperialist ends. The US is attempting to gain control over several nations in order to secure oil and other energy reserves. Why? Because they don't want to compete with China (and others) on the open market. They fear that such a competition over a scarce resource would lead to a price war on oil for one. They're also having to defend their "interests" (political donors) whom are highly invested in oil ventures. That means no Alternative energy research.
But it also means more Wars and conflicts.

Obama is a naive Liberal who thinks he can forcibly drag the Social Conservative Creotards into the next Century.

Romney is simply an opportunistic businessman who holds no core personal values other than a yearning to make a profit even at anothers expense.

Both of these character types are flawed. Both are douchebags for one. I want to live free personally. I want to live a good moral and ethical life built around a philosophy of non-aggression. I agree with many of Obama's beliefs but I disagree with the method of implementation. I don't believe one has the Moral Authority to compel/coerce/force someone else to submit to them. I view forceful subjugation as being a tool of the insecure.

Live and let live. Simple as that.

Moochelle is hugging him because she can now go on 4 more years of extravagant tax payer funded vacations. Way to America, re-elect the worst president in history and let him continue the destruction of Amerika.
[citation][nom]john_4[/nom]Moochelle is hugging him because she can now go on 4 more years of extravagant tax payer funded vacations. Way to America, re-elect the worst president in history and let him continue the destruction of Amerika.[/citation]

Looking from outside -
Why is he the worst president in history? There is Bush - who got US into 2 wars, 2008 market crash/bailout and "credit card" life style. Obama is like a body-shop mechanic fixing a wrecked car. What am I missing?
So much backwards rhetoric, half truths, and outright stupidity here to even begin dissecting... so here's what I'l say. Before you spout off nonsense, some headline you read off a website, only reading a piece of a story, or getting your "facts" from some dark corner of the internet that is filled with conspiracy theory, do some real research. Learn the difference between a real information source and just opinions. Try to take part in your government by attending city council meetings. Learn and understand what your elected officials are actually empowered to do and how things are actually done, rather than Hollywood TV and movie dramas that take place more in the world of fantasy than reality. Because it's painful listening and reading unintelligible blather of people repeating lies, falsehoods, talking points while telling others to stop spreading lies, falsehoods, and talking points.
Obama, Romney....whatever, they are all puppets, they don't decide anything really.
Obama seems an intelligent guy though, but Romney looks creepy like Bush.
57 million Americans did not Vote for Obama 8) So the 1% comment from Joz was wrong heh.
The country is split almost 50 50 I have never seen it this bad.
[citation][nom]timw03878[/nom]Bring on the economic collapse.Ron Paul actually had a budget plan to balance it in 3 years, instead of 30 like Paul Ryan.The Federal Reserve will continue their QE, and at some point the dollar will stop working.The average life span of a fiat currency backed by nothing is 27 years.We are on year 41.All empires fall for financial reasons.We will be no different.Ron Paul tried to wake people up to this, but sadly its gonna probably take some bloodshed to water the tree of liberty.[/citation]

Yep. All that matters to the dumfukistinians is free birth control, gay marriage, and smoking weed. The hilarity compounds even more once we realize NONE of these are Federal issues. You should be able to have a gay marriage, smoke a joint, and get your own birth control without the government shoving its fat nose in your private business.

Now that Obombya made drone strikes out to be "precise and humane" it's now hip and trendy to go to war...unlike when herp derp Geoge was El Presidente it was horrible...the hypocrisy. (and for the record whether you support(ed) GWB, BHO or Mittens you support preemptive undeclared wars; your apathy or intentional ignorance of this doesn't give you a free pass).

Now, let's have fun as our unfunded liabilities soar while we deficit spend over $1 Trillion annually, crank up the printing press with QE4ever, and continue with ZIRP until the oil pan blows out on this jalopy of a monetary policy. I guess Keynes was right, in the long run we're all dead anyways! Too bad he left in the short run and left us in the long run.
[citation]Now that Obombya made drone strikes out to be "precise and humane" it's now hip and trendy to go to war...unlike when herp derp Geoge was El Presidente it was horrible...the hypocrisy.

The war on Afghanistan was ongoing when Obama took office. Otherwise, you had a pretty stupid point anyway. Dumb is certainly contagious these days.
[citation][nom]bildo123[/nom]Yep. All that matters to the dumfukistinians is free birth control, gay marriage, and smoking weed. The hilarity compounds even more once we realize NONE of these are Federal issues. You should be able to have a gay marriage, smoke a joint, and get your own birth control without the government shoving its fat nose in your private business.Now that Obombya made drone strikes out to be "precise and humane" it's now hip and trendy to go to war...unlike when herp derp Geoge was El Presidente it was horrible...the hypocrisy. (and for the record whether you support(ed) GWB, BHO or Mittens you support preemptive undeclared wars; your apathy or intentional ignorance of this doesn't give you a free pass).Now, let's have fun as our unfunded liabilities soar while we deficit spend over $1 Trillion annually, crank up the printing press with QE4ever, and continue with ZIRP until the oil pan blows out on this jalopy of a monetary policy. I guess Keynes was right, in the long run we're all dead anyways! Too bad he left in the short run and left us in the long run.[/citation]
Yet you know what's wrong with the picture you paint? Absolutely nothing according to the slight majority that voted for it all to continue. The only thing I can hope for is that the storm won't get as bad as many economists (and history for that matter) predict it to be within the next decade.
Obama is an emtpy suit failure even more so than Jimmy Carter. Americans are brainwashed and dumbed down by what they see and hear in various leftist-leaning media (watch Idiocracy). Mark my words, this country's debt is only going to continue to mount and our quality of healthcare will progressively decrease. America, the great, is finished.
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