Office 2007 on windows 10 possible?

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May 4, 2013
Hey guys,

I've recently had to install windows 10 cause I upgraded my PC specs which leaves me in this aweful situation (again) and it seems to be even worse now than it was last time I had to install this product.

Many years ago I bought this Microsoft Office 2007 Home & Student pack and I've lost the CD, however I still have the key, back in 2014-2015 I was able to download the installer and apply the cd-key to unlock, but they removed all installers, so I kind of have 2 questions in one here.

1. Would it even be possible to install on windows 10?
2. Where can I find the installer? (It is NOT on microsofts website so it has to be someplace shady but still legit...)

Thanks in advance for any help.
I can confirm that it works, as I have it installed on Win 10. However, I also kept the original CD (and ISO image as a backup), so cannot tell for sure where (or if at all) can you download the installer legally...
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