The office I work at recently changed phone systems to a VOIP phone system and with the new system we lost the ability to use the intercom feature of our old phones, you hit the intercom button on your phone and an extension and then your voice is intercomed to all the speakers we have throughout the office.
We are looking for a solution to this and thought of the idea of using our cellphones as microphones for the intercom system. I have seen that there are some apps that can turn your phone into a microphone but based on reviews they don't seem great.
Is it possible to use a router and connect a receiver, that has all the speakers wired into it, and also connect our cellphones to this network and use as described? Bluetooth seems like it could possibly work but the range makes it pointless, we have a semi large building so need at least a 100 feet range from the router.
We are looking for a solution to this and thought of the idea of using our cellphones as microphones for the intercom system. I have seen that there are some apps that can turn your phone into a microphone but based on reviews they don't seem great.
Is it possible to use a router and connect a receiver, that has all the speakers wired into it, and also connect our cellphones to this network and use as described? Bluetooth seems like it could possibly work but the range makes it pointless, we have a semi large building so need at least a 100 feet range from the router.