adaman2576 carbon neutral??? What will be done with all the excess CO2??? Last time I checked that was a green house gas.
i will take it, i still use some CO2 powered paintball guns XD
you can also use it to carbonate drinks, like BEER, which all the people in wisconsin will easily use up the entire supply of C02 they can produce, cheers & wtg cheesers.
my main questions is this "A fuel-steam mixture is then added, causing it to react with the hot nickel oxide to produce hydrogen gas..."
what fuel are they using with the steam, how much, and is the expense worthwhile or is it still an equal negative impact as using a petroleum product instead of Hydrogen?
also, last i learned from 7th grade sceince class, plants burn CO2 during the day and produce oxygen, at night they burn oxygen.
as far as all you "scale modelers go" if everybody was a pc.. what would jobs do? hehehe
horses used to dominate the market before cars, cars were very noisy, very ineffcient, and cost more. how ever cars didn't spew poo onto the ground and didn't need to be saddled up, or rubbed down and were ready to go and put away in a fraction of the time horses took. simply amazing the automobile took off in the first place don't you think?
marketing & PR, if people buy apple products, there are alot more tree huggers that will jump all over this with the right PR!
i'm sure alot of you say the same thing about rechargeable batteries, and most of you haven't stopped to think about the rechargeable battery in your automobile because you use it every day and only have to replace it every 3-5-7 years at the least. the closer to $5 a gallon of petroleum fuel, the more screaming there will be for competitive alternative fuels. scientists already gave the world a long lasting alternative fuel in 1940, nuclear power. the technology to control it wasn't there. we have the means to make use of it decades later, how ever we do not have the safety that is required to keep some jihadi or idiot from turning it into a dirty bomb or causing an environmental hazzard or toxic spill. until then your stuck with petroleum, so starting thinking about more brilliant means and methods fast!