OVERHEATING! ATI Driver issue (asus g73)


Nov 29, 2010
Okay, So yesterday, I installed Crysis Demo to see how it runs... When I clicked on the game shortcut. It opened it up, it started showing the intros, then, the computers screen turned off. And about 1-2 seconds later, so did the rest of the computer. At first, I suspected it was the powerbrick shorting out, because I wasn't able to get it to turn on for a 1 minute of disconnecting it from the wall, moving to another place... etc.
So, I finally got it to work once more, I didn't take it as a big problem until it happened once more when I was loading the game, this time, I was right about to start the actual gameplay.
I have not tried any other games after that.

Now, here are the tech details:

ASUS G73jh-RBBXO5, bought Factory-Refurb. at BestBuy December 2010.

CPU-Z processor details screenshot:

GPU-Z graphics details screenshot:


GPU-Z graphics temperatures screenshot:


These stats were taken just now, I'm not running any games, I'm only running IE9, and of course, GPU-Z/ CPU-Z.

I've tried to fix this problem myself, I tried Flashing the BIOS which was succesful. I'm running on the American Megatrends Inc. G73Jh.213, 1/27/2011 which is the current version.

I also tried updating the ATI (AMD) GPU drivers for the 5870... It installed. But, once I rebooted the computer, My maximum resolution became 1152x864, instead of 1600x900.
Also, CCC wouldn't run, I mean, it was visible in processes, but it was frozen. Right now, I got it to run back at 1600x900. But, I had to uninstall the driver.

I have used compressed air before, (a couple of months ago), but I haven't used it since, mainly because the other laptop I used compressed air on, the fan broke. And I decided that I'm not going to mess up this computer too...

I'm thinking that the issue is that the computer has dust, and the thermal compound needs to be upgraded. Because it still has the factory thermal compound.

Here is why I'm asking here before I go to a PC shop and seeing if they can fix it. A. To explor what else could cause the problem. B. To figure out a fix for the GPU update problem. I want to install CCC, and I guess to do it, I need to select an older version, such as the one I was using before. But how do I rollback? What is the path to file(s).

C. Do any of you have a similar problem with your G73?

Sorry for the long email, but thanks :)

I was having the exact same problem, same computer, same symptoms, same frustrations.

I started playing Team Fortress 2 now that it's free to play. Occasionally the system would get hot and go dark, no power, etc. I figured I needed new graphics drivers. Installed the latest ATI package. System BSODed. Restarted, Max resolution was way down, and windows reported the driver wasn't properly signed. Told Windows to roll back the driver and got my resolution back, but I was still have the overheating shut-down problem.

This all happened last night. I kept on though. According to the ATI website, you should uninstall all ATI software packages before installing the new drivers. So I did that. I went into "Add/Remove Programs" and...
I was having the exact same problem, same computer, same symptoms, same frustrations.

I started playing Team Fortress 2 now that it's free to play. Occasionally the system would get hot and go dark, no power, etc. I figured I needed new graphics drivers. Installed the latest ATI package. System BSODed. Restarted, Max resolution was way down, and windows reported the driver wasn't properly signed. Told Windows to roll back the driver and got my resolution back, but I was still have the overheating shut-down problem.

This all happened last night. I kept on though. According to the ATI website, you should uninstall all ATI software packages before installing the new drivers. So I did that. I went into "Add/Remove Programs" and removed the ATI software. I then installed the new software package (the one that had previously caused the BSOD), and it installed no problems. After restarting, Windows had no problem with the driver, and my max resolution continued to be available. The best part is that I played TF2 for an hour last night after the install went successfully, and a couple hours today, and so far there's been no shut down.

I hope you have similar luck.

Nope 🙁 I didn't play around enough with the drivers to get it to work right.
I had it taken to a little shop.
And they're going to change the thermal compound on it. Everyone knows factory-provided thermal compound is usually cheap garbage..

Anyways, I'm getting the thermal compound replacd with AC5...So, hopefully it will help a bit..

I just want to know... what are your temps while gaming?
Mine where normally in the 80 C when I played...

Okay, 1 question, how did you rollback the drivers? I wanted to go back to the original... But, I didn't know how xD and was a bit in a tight spot using such a freakish resolution... So, in the end, I just uninstalled the driver, restarted the computer, and the resolution was back to normal, but there were no drivers... After that, I just did a bit of wordprocesing and email before I took it in the next (or day after next) to a little pc shop...

You may have noticed, but for me, about every couple of days I looke behind the screen, and I can see that on top of that extended part for the fan/heatsink that there is always a LOT of dust, I always clean that off.

I guess I need to clean the computer more often with compressed air... something I'm reluctant to do after my last episode using it.

I have no clue. I'd never had a heat issue before, so I never bothered to monitor it. I'm just not set up to do something like that. If the problem had persisted, I may have gone that route.

I'm going from memory here, because my laptop is at home. In Control Panel, under devices, your PC is listed. If you look at your PC, there's a hardware tab. That will show you your graphics card as list item. If you hit properties on that you'll get more details, but the roll back driver option will be grayed out. You'll notice there's another button with the windows security shield there, I forget the words. Anyway, if you click that button you can access the same information, but as administrator, which makes the roll back driver option available. I just clicked that and restarted.

I have not had this problem. It's possible that your computing environment is more dusty than mine. If you can, try just cleaning the area (do some dusting and vacuuming), and if you have a forced air heating/cooling system, replace the air filter and run the fan to help clean the air of dust. Your lungs will thank you as well.

I've never done this.
Well, thanks for your input Neil. I really appreciate it.

I'm going over to the shop today to check up on their progress, I'm also going to see if they can rollback the gpu drivers while they're at it.
Okay, issue fixed.
Just for those of you who have the same or similar issue:

To fix heat issue, clean up the inside of the G73! Dust Dust Dust!!!
Also, change the thermal compound on the GPU and CPU... use something like Artic Silver.
Make sure you use a can of compressed air on the laptop about every 2-3 months, make sure that you insert a straightened paper clip to help keep the fans from spinning while using the compressed air... (otherwise you'll kill the fans...)
re-apply new thermal compound every 12-18 months.. basically, whenever the average temperature starts to go back up, you should get ready to change the thermal compound.
After first applying the grease, use laptop at max for 2 hours, then turn it off for about 30 minutes (then you can restart the process...), for the first couple of days... so that the compound can set in right.

For those of you who had the Graphics card driver issue, don't download drivers from the official amd (ati) website.
You have to download them from the ASUS G73(jh) driver page. Asus tweaks the hardware, therefore, you need a driver that is on the same page, getting a general driver from AMD won't help...

After a week of using the laptop for a maximum of 2 hours at a time (and a 30 minute shutdown break inbetween 2 hour periods), you can get back to normal use..

Not recommended that you use the laptop for more then 6-7 hours at a time on regular use.
I think i have the same exact problem....my temps are all at the high 70's and im just runni ie9 and gpu-z....what shop did you take it to? you have the same verson i do do you think best buys geek squad can do this? im really desperate i cant play any games because 10-15mins in my g73 shuts off...I dont think its the drivers as im shown they are up to date. Hpfreak looks like you had same problem. I appreciate all your feedback, thanks
Hi needshelp87,

Why don't you list your driver version so that we're all on the same page. I have the same BestBuy version of this laptop, and updating the drivers fixed the problem. The steps hpfreak went through seem to have helped him but, in my opinion, are probably masking the problem rather than solving it.

Getting your computer cleaned up and outfitted with special thermal bonding is going to allow your computer to shed the extra heat it is generating.

In contrast, the right drivers are going to keep your system from generating excess heat to start with because it will be running cool by design.

It's a matter of treating the root cause or treating the symptoms. Both methods will work fine, as hpfreak and I clearly illustrate.

Let's start by figuring out what version of drivers you're using.

Good luck.
Hey niel, thank you so much for responding.....Unfortunatley im not very computer savvy, howdo i post my driver versions? i really only bought this laptop to play crysis, and total war games on high settings....not to familiar with anything else...i just turn it on and play..untill this problem started to happen. Its sort of embarassing i know, but please if you can walk me through ill post it ASAP. I really want to try other things before i take it to any shop and spend money.
Also i dont know if this helps but i downloaded the GPU-z to look at my temps, im only running ie9 and gpuz and here are the temps as of now(while i type)

Gpu temp: 80.0c
gpu temp1: 71.0c
gpu temp2: 80.0c
gpu temp3: 75.0c
Here it is neil,

Driver Provider: ATI technologies Inc.

Driver date: 12/17/2009

Driver version: 8.683.0.0

Digital sSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

Please respond
Dude trust me ill wait, you dont understand how desperate i am to fix this, please contact me. ill definitley wait for your reply, again thank you for assisting. ill figure out if im runnin 32 or 64

Your temperatures are WAY TOO HIGH. :non: The temperatures should be more like 45-50 degrees celsius for it to be cool enough.
I'd recommend you going taking your laptop ASAP to a shop and let them replace the thermal compound with the real deal, I got Artic Silver 5 and I'm running at 50 C on idle. Please, get the thermal compound replaced. If you want to do it yourself, you can order a shot of Artic Silver on amazon. And watch this video on how to take a part the G73jh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp90M_N6dzs

That's a likely solution, to update the drivers... But, I had the updated drivers when I ran into this problem.

needshelp87, be sure you download drivers only from this page: http://www.asus.com/Notebooks/Gaming_Powerhouse/G73Jh/#download

Do NOT download drivers directly from AMD (ATI), even though AMD is the graphics card manufacturer, and they host the latest drivers... the GPU in the G73 is not directly supported, the drivers have to be tweaked by Asus, so only download from Asus from the link I posted above.

I'm going to recheck all my drivers myself. Just to see if I can lower the temps down a bit more... I doubt it, but it's worth a try.
Thanks for tdhe feedback hpfreak i really, really appreciate it. Makes me feel good that i wasnt only one with this problem. If you dont mind me asking where did you take your pc? i live in NY,NY and i saw that asus notebooks bought in best buy can only be serviced directly by asus:
NOTE: The terms of warranty for your specific notebook may vary. Please consult the documentation that came with your ASUS product for complete and specific information. Unfortunately, ASUS notebooks sold at BestBuy are not currently elgible for service by ASUS Notebook Authorized Service Providers, so these customers should contact ASUS directly through the ASUS notebook technical support line (1-888-678-3688, 24/7 except holidays) to arrange service.

thats from website. Do you think geeksquad can do what was done to your g73?

hpfreak, I thought you said your system crashed when you went to the updated drivers? I was under the impression you never had the updated drivers running successfully (i.e. with full resolution). A little update on that might clarify things.

I know hpfreak was bitten by this, but I believe his issue was that the original drivers were not fully removed before installing the new drivers (since I had the same problem initially). However, in the end, I was able to run the standard drivers from the AMD (ATI) website without issue, and my shutdown/high temp problems were resolved without a trip to a shop or further laptop modification.

The latest drivers on the Asus website you listed above are the ones that it shipped with, 8.683 released by AMD/ATI in December of 2009.
also by the way doesnt the asus live update, update all the drivers, etc. for you? i clicked on the link for the drivers you posted if you can somehow walk me through, id appreciate it. Im clicking on the vga driver file and clicking to save and once it does windows tells me i cant open...i did go back to factory settings because i thought it would fix problem, maybe i need to redownload something to get them to install correctly?