OVERHEATING! ATI Driver issue (asus g73)

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Nov 29, 2010
Okay, So yesterday, I installed Crysis Demo to see how it runs... When I clicked on the game shortcut. It opened it up, it started showing the intros, then, the computers screen turned off. And about 1-2 seconds later, so did the rest of the computer. At first, I suspected it was the powerbrick shorting out, because I wasn't able to get it to turn on for a 1 minute of disconnecting it from the wall, moving to another place... etc.
So, I finally got it to work once more, I didn't take it as a big problem until it happened once more when I was loading the game, this time, I was right about to start the actual gameplay.
I have not tried any other games after that.

Now, here are the tech details:

ASUS G73jh-RBBXO5, bought Factory-Refurb. at BestBuy December 2010.

CPU-Z processor details screenshot:

GPU-Z graphics details screenshot:


GPU-Z graphics temperatures screenshot:


These stats were taken just now, I'm not running any games, I'm only running IE9, and of course, GPU-Z/ CPU-Z.

I've tried to fix this problem myself, I tried Flashing the BIOS which was succesful. I'm running on the American Megatrends Inc. G73Jh.213, 1/27/2011 which is the current version.

I also tried updating the ATI (AMD) GPU drivers for the 5870... It installed. But, once I rebooted the computer, My maximum resolution became 1152x864, instead of 1600x900.
Also, CCC wouldn't run, I mean, it was visible in processes, but it was frozen. Right now, I got it to run back at 1600x900. But, I had to uninstall the driver.

I have used compressed air before, (a couple of months ago), but I haven't used it since, mainly because the other laptop I used compressed air on, the fan broke. And I decided that I'm not going to mess up this computer too...

I'm thinking that the issue is that the computer has dust, and the thermal compound needs to be upgraded. Because it still has the factory thermal compound.

Here is why I'm asking here before I go to a PC shop and seeing if they can fix it. A. To explor what else could cause the problem. B. To figure out a fix for the GPU update problem. I want to install CCC, and I guess to do it, I need to select an older version, such as the one I was using before. But how do I rollback? What is the path to file(s).

C. Do any of you have a similar problem with your G73?

Sorry for the long email, but thanks :)

I was having the exact same problem, same computer, same symptoms, same frustrations.

I started playing Team Fortress 2 now that it's free to play. Occasionally the system would get hot and go dark, no power, etc. I figured I needed new graphics drivers. Installed the latest ATI package. System BSODed. Restarted, Max resolution was way down, and windows reported the driver wasn't properly signed. Told Windows to roll back the driver and got my resolution back, but I was still have the overheating shut-down problem.

This all happened last night. I kept on though. According to the ATI website, you should uninstall all ATI software packages before installing the new drivers. So I did that. I went into "Add/Remove Programs" and...

It crashed once I tried to install updates from AMD (ATI), But, I was able to download and install the Asus drivers without issue.

I think I'm going to try that... It is a risk, but I can rollback if I run into issues...
Neil, may I ask what are your temps?


That's the distinction. In no way would I regard the Asus drivers to be the latest, as they are from Dec. 2009.

I'll try to get some idle temps and some gaming temps this evening, when I post the remaining instructions for needshelp87.



To update your drivers, I highly recommend you go to this page:


Scroll to the bottom and watch and follow along with the 4 videos listed:

1. Identify Your Card
2. Download Drivers
3. Uninstall Old Drivers
4. Install New Drivers

Watch all the videos before you get started. If you have any questions before starting, post them here so I can answer them.

Following these instructions exactly and getting the latest drivers should fix your issues.

I have my fingers crossed for you.
My idle temps:


These were the temps achieved while writing the above post to needshelp87. I was running two Chrome browsers, 1 with 1 tab, and 1 with 5 tabs, explorer, and GPU-Z. I was only using battery power.

I'll provide my gaming temps tonight after I'm finished playing some TF2.
Neil first off i want to thank you for taking the time out of your life to help me. I was following the videos, i just have a question....it may sound dumb but again i am new to this. Our g73s require notebook drivers right not desktops right or is it other way around maybe thats what i did wrong?
ok neil so i see 3 different driver downloads which are.

AMD catalyst package

Individual downloads

optional downloads

Do i save the file on each or just the first, AMD catalyst package

Download just the first. It will install everything you need in a package.

I didn't use Asus' service. I went to a local PC shop and I let a few guys who knew what they were doing fix it. It depends on what you have where you live, you could contact Asus directly, and see if they will fix it, but they will overcharge. It isn't cheap, the local shop charged 130 dollars, but it was worth it in the end because the computer is running cool. And it only took them a few days, just like all manufacturers, Asus takes their time to fix things, I've heard scary stories of people waiting over a 4 months before they got their laptop back... But I'm not too sure. The companies hire a lot of people that have the credentials, but the thing about going to a little PC shop is that they guys there have both the credentials, and the experience.

Neil offered a solution that could save money and time, go with his solution, if it works, great. If it doesn't work, then my solution may be your best bet.
Its working! my temps are lower too! Thank you guys so much! im finally able to play for more than 15mins! Seriously though THANK YOU!!!! I dont have to take it to any shop, neil you right about cool by design
Blowing the dust out of the back of the two fan port dropped my idle temperature 20C from around 65 to around 45. Under load, it dropped temps from the mid 70s to the mid 60s.

So I'd start with the can of compressed air in short bursts, before going to the next step of scraping off your thermal compound and reapplying.
Had the same overheating issues. When I first pulled the computer apart I looked at the fans and they seemed OK, but I didn't remove them. Many years later (now), the computer would shut off after 10mins and the CPU temps were at 100C and the fans run noisy and very little air coming out the ports.. When I pulled it apart this time I took out the fans and to my surprise the fluff had built up at the fan outlet, catching on the inlet grills to the heatpipe radiator (the fans blow air directly into them). It has a 5mm pad of lint. Put it back together again and presto, run a cool 50-60C. So make sure you remove the Fans and check the radiator fins