Overheating without specific reason - Lenovo G510


Jul 15, 2014
Hi forum, I bought my labtop 1 month ago and i noticed that eventhough when it was idle the most of the times the temps were from 38-42C suddenly it was reaching 80-85C without any application running. I was wondering if, has it something to do with the drivers or power management?? what can be the proplem?
The specs are:
intel i7 4700MQ
Amd R7 M265 2gb
8gb ram
120gb SSD
*Also when i start a game the temps are also around 80C even with a cooling pad.
Thank you,

no , there is absolutely no drawback with doing what you did, i almost always keep my turbo boost off.. and i have never noticed a slowdown in performance. this cpu is capable of handling alot more work thanks to its hyper threading . this cpu can even be pared up with a gtx 970m and it wouldn't be an issue. you have nothing to worry about , the main advantage here is the cooler running temps. the turbo boost is simply intel overclocking the cpu past it's rated speed to give more performance if...
At those temps it is likely that the overheating has damaged the heatsinks/fans inside the laptop which is causing it to overheat further. If its still in warranty you might be able to get a replacement, although as this has been caused by you gaming on it you may not be able to claim it on the warranty.

In which case, I would take the laptop apart, remove the fans and heat sinks and clean it all out with compressed air. Remove and reapply any old thermal paste and possibly replace the old fans and heat sinks depending on their condition. (You'll want to check these are available for purchase before removing them, check ebay).

If you don't think you can do that yourself then try taking it to a repair shop and for future reference I wouldn't game often, or at all, on the laptop.
i never played on the laptop, only one time and when i noticed that it runs around 80C i never tryed again + the laptop is brand new i doubt that the heatsink has a proplem. Do you think that this can be caused from the GPU? they use same heatsink with the CPU. Also in HWmonitor i cant see anywhere my gpu temps, i can see only Lenovo Invalid
Take a screenshot of HWMonitor and upload it. It may not be a heatsink issue, although if your laptop genuinely has been running at 80C+ then I would be surprised if the heatsink/fans/sensors/hardware hadn't been damaged in some way due to the poor way in which laptops dissipate heat and the generally less robust hardware used in laptops.

the laptop is not consistenly running at 80C but it peaks to 80C sometimes without doing any processing (when i leave it on idling) and then go back down to 40C.

btw it has a system called silent fan technology do you think the fan works on its lowest so its peaks to 80C for a moment and then the fan start to cool it down?
I've had a look at information regarding the temperatures of the i7 4700mq and in a lot of cases it hits around 90c under full load. However 80c at idle seems like there is a problem.

Silent fan technology will make the fans kick in when they are needed as opposed to running at 100% all the time, but it would not wait until the temperature hits 80c before doing so.

Your options for trying to lower the temperature would be to clean out the inside of laptop (remove any dust that could be blocking airways), check heatsinks (possibly removing old thermal paste and replacing it with something like Arctic Silver 5), buy a cooling pad for the laptop or, when performance isn't as important, turn off turbo boost/under clock the CPU
i have had this laptop for a year now, this is my budget gaming laptop. do not underestimate the cooling power of this laptop... the gpu is also good for its price point. when i got it , a month later i noticed while playing bf4 for about 4hrs straight, my cpu would hit 91c and gpu would go upto 86c... i never really cared about the warranty since i know that lenovo makes some of the most durable laptops... , i opened up my system and obviously there was no dust since in 1 month that's almost impossible, so i took off the heatsink all together and lenovo had basically used too much of thermal paste and that too it wasant of good quality, so i cleaned it up and reapplied some arctic silver 5 , and voila, the cpu now never exceeds 80c and gpu never exceeds 75c, so due to the massive improvement in temperatures, i also overclocked the gpu by 25% and new max temps are around 78c. it has been about 10 months since i did this, and over time due to dust accumulation , the average system temperature has gone up.. at idle its always between 36-50c (cpu) and gpu is off... but gaming temps are now for the cpu is around 86c and gpu is 80c...i will pull apart the laptop when the cpu gets to 90c while gaming and if the gpu ever gets beyond 85c... and all of this, i game an average of 4-5 hours a day... playing some of the most demanding games such as bf4,cod aw, etc. the amount of hours i have clocked on this, i can say lenovo did a solid engineering on the cooling solution.. so if temps are an issue, just replace the thermal paste and you should be good to go... . now about this silent fan technology, the fan stays off until the cpu hits 50c and then goes on the lowest speed... when the cpu gets to 36c, it goes back off. between 50-70c the fan increases its speed to about 40-60% depending on temps, when the cpu get to 80c the fan hits 80% and remains there as long as its between 80c-89c, 90c onwards the fan jumps straight to 100% to cool the laptop down desperately. the fan cannot be heard until it hits about 70-80% speed, so basically most of the time its "silent" . my fan speed personally has never gone past the 88% mark. and when you can hear the fan, its not actually the fan making the sound since its so well designed, in fact its the wind rushing past the heatsink that causes any in the first place. hope this helps you guys understand something about this laptop! :) , feel free to ask anymore questions, i am willing to give a detailed explanation.


r7-m265 OC 25%
8gb ram
also , forgot to add my old idle temps where always between 40-55c , basically the fan never went out , but after the thermal paste replacement, the fan would kick in at 50c , in about 10mins its at 36c fan goes off...that's it!
also check if you have any back ground processors running that hugs your cpu resources, that can cause the exact same issue , look in the task manager>processors and see what is hogging your cpu .. windows task manager will normally high-light it by making it a dark color so you can see it and cancel it.
I changed the thermal paste now it only hits 85C max but i also now switched off the turbo boost and it doesn't get higher than 70C and still get similar fps. What i am wondering now is, does it affect the cpu and cause problems later on?

no , there is absolutely no drawback with doing what you did, i almost always keep my turbo boost off.. and i have never noticed a slowdown in performance. this cpu is capable of handling alot more work thanks to its hyper threading . this cpu can even be pared up with a gtx 970m and it wouldn't be an issue. you have nothing to worry about , the main advantage here is the cooler running temps. the turbo boost is simply intel overclocking the cpu past it's rated speed to give more performance if temps allow it , so by disabling it , you constantly run it at its rated frequency.... so there is absolutely nothing in the world to worry about. :) .......

90c is usually the limit when the cpu turns off the boost to keep its temps under control. i max out at 80 c on the cpu and 76c on my OC'ed gpu after a 4hr game of bf4.. the cpu (2.4Ghz) usage was mostly in the high 80s and gpu was always pegged at 99%... i noticed no sign of thermal throttling since the components were running reasonably cool in response to the load amount.

if your satisfied with the answers , please pick one as the solution to close this tread..

anymore questions? feel free to ask! cheers buddy! .