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I would hold off on getting anything Free to Air such as Pansat or Fortec,
if you feel you must go with a Unit like this stay witha dealer supported
Item. My fortec Ultra has been down 3 weeks tomorrow and the only fix
available which came out monday is to flash my Unit to become a Pansat and
then I need a remote too. I have tried every Universal and not one works,
my feeling is this hole AL&bar software is Manufactures try to unload
product and once they have unloaded there products no more fixes. The is a
group try to reverse engineer the code and create some fixes, I personally
don't think they could hack themselves out of a card board box yet alone
hack this hack and create a new hack, they are also insulting and think they
are god. I personally if you were going to go this route to get a nexus -s
cDVB card they get all the same channels and have not went down and they are
half the prices of these IRD's and they have a guide none of the recievers
have a working guide. Hope this helps ya.
"James" <> wrote in message
> They said that when needed they would give you new remote control codes to
> type in and that when need you would get a firmware update through your
> Do you think this is better then pirating and do you think it will work
> things like NFL sunday ticket and movies?
> <"steelblu<E>"> wrote in message
> > NOT possible with "JUST" the receiver. Needs 3rd party software to do
> > it. Will they put new in when it becomes a regular receiver again? Will
> > a new one be available???
> > Mike
> >
> > James wrote:
> > >
> > > claims that with the pansat FTA you can get all Dish net
> channels
> > > free and clear, including PPV,sports and adult. Is this possible with
> just
> > > the receiver and has anyone actually bought one to try this?
> > >
> > > I'm a newbie to this sort of thing and am wondering what the
> of
> > > this and pirating a DTV card for use would be?