PayPal Won't Block Safari, But Browser Still Considered Unsafe

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I am a daily Mac user. I really dislike Safari and for that matter most Apple software. For a a 'software' company, they arent doing themselves any favours. Bring on Firefox on the iPhone for the love of god....
Would blocking a browser really help? I wonder if that wouldn't lead to sites promising to allow a user access to paypal though or something. "Paypal blocking you? Let us help you in!" /steals info. That almost seems more likely than succesfully coercing people to buy new computers to get new OSs and browsers.
solution: a plug-in ( just because they won't call it a patch... lol )
that allow the browser to run missing security levels and that is manually or automatically started. then, paypas wouldn't allow running unsecured settings.

as the said "plug-in" would make the browser "slower", it would be a good thing to be able to run in secured ou unsecured mode... mac has always been good making transisions steps invisible to the user... maybe just load the "heavy" part on demand... then, i could either load a secured safari or a normal safari...
Why didn't Apple include the support for this verification in the first place? It seems almost.... stupid that they would not have included this functionality in Safari, unless there is some ulterior motive.
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