pc cooling options


Dec 21, 2014
So, recently I build a pc, but the airflow is so bad it runs cooler with the side panel off...so I've ordered 2 120mm fans and wanted a cpu cooler too, but because my case is the Spec-01 from corsair the hyper 212 does not fit, are there other options or maybe cheap water cooling?
(AM3+ socket)
Thanks and sorry for my bad English.
I also use a AM3+ socket I use this cooler (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099) its very duarbale and has good reviews, you might want to try this out

It won't fit his case. read the thread.


I can see that, but me posting mine can show other results that are similar, that can fit in his case