PC to Sony KDS60XBR2 Unsupported signal. Please Check the device output.


Jul 27, 2013
Got this error on my TV when using a DVI+Audio to HDMI Converter (http://www.amazon.com/DVI-plus-Audio-HDMI-Converter/dp/B007NZR7H4/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_t_1_EKNZ). Video works ok when using a straight DVI to HDMI cable. Looking to have sound so I bought the converter. Any suggestions appreciated.
Several things, check the refresh rate, I have a VGA to HDMI converter and have issues when the TV is set to 60hz, have to run it at 59. Make sure the resolution is set to the right setting, try a different HDMI port, test the device with another TV or monitor, and lastly, try a different converter.
Several things, check the refresh rate, I have a VGA to HDMI converter and have issues when the TV is set to 60hz, have to run it at 59. Make sure the resolution is set to the right setting, try a different HDMI port, test the device with another TV or monitor, and lastly, try a different converter.