Peachtree Nova low volume


Dec 11, 2012

I'm a newbie here so I apologize if this is not the right forum to ask this question.

I have a Peachtree Nova that I use with my iPod. Last week my speakers attached to my Nova died and now I want to pass the sound signal to my Yamaha RX-V440 receiver which has another set of speakers attached to it.

The Nova's manual says that I can pass the Preamp output signal to an external amplifier so I tried the following:

Nova Preamp out -> RX-V440 CD input

I can hear sound but I have to push the volumes on both units up to almost the limit to hear some decent sound.

I have also tried the following:

Nova line level output -> RX-V440 CD input

And I don't hear any sound but I'm not sure what line level output is so this might not be the best connection.

My question is:

Do I need an amplifier, a preamp unit or an integrated amplifier? I thought my RX-V440 would amplify any signal input to it?

Please help :)

Thank you for any response as it'd be very welcomed.

You mention that the speakers you were using died. Could that be due to the Nova having a problem? Try connecting the Nova to another pair of speakers to confirm that it is OK. If it is then you need to try a different input on your Yamaha. The Yamaha has a digital input and this may be assigned to the CD. Try the other analog inputs one at a time and you should be able to get sound since they can't all be assigned to the digital inputs. Make sure to keep the volume low when you try an input.


Dec 11, 2012

americanaudio, thank you for the response.

I have connected the speakers to the Nova and it works fine. I get great sound. So the Nova is working fine.

However, I want the speakers connected to the Yamaha as it produces DSP sound for games, movies, etc.

I have tired connecting the Nova preamp output to the Yamaha's MD-IN, 5.1 center and the results are the same. The sound is very low and I have to crank up the volumes on both units to hear decent sound.

Thanks, :(