Review personal Wing Bike Review

Sep 27, 2024
Cutting through the internet clutter, here is what you actually get if you decide to purchase a Wing E-bike:

(1) Hysterically long shipping -- this company is way overstretched. You'll get a confirmation for a delivery within a week, and three weeks later you'll still be calling customer service (which barely exists) trying to work out when the bike will actually arrive.
(2) Poor craftsmanship -- from the moment you take it out of the box and assemble, it's obvious that this not a bike you'll be riding in five years; because it'll most certainly be broken.
(2) Smoke & Mirrors -- within a month of purchase you'll realize that the battery does not last long AT ALL, and what you were told on the website does not match reality.

Take these quotes straight from Wing Bike's customer service team:

"You should plan for the battery to last 15 - 25 miles" --- First off the website says 45 miles. Secondly, I have to charge this thing every 20 miles??? What if you want to go out for a longer ride than 20 miles... the answer I'm sorry to tell you, is that your battery will shut off mid-ride.
"The bikes are designed for a 125 pound person" --- HA! So no adult men can ride a Wing Bike? And maybe 15% of adult women? They tell you this because it means if you are larger than 125 lbs, the battery last EVEN LESS TIME.
"You should only use level 1 and 2. Do not use levels 3, 4, or 5." --- OK... so why are there levels 3, 4, 5? Buyer beware, you need AT LEAST level 3 in order to get this hulking bike up any real hill.
"The green light on the battery means 30-70% charged" --- how are you supposed to plan your ride with this crazy range? Just another example of the poor craftsmanship across the board. If you plan to buy this bike, also plan to have the giant battery on your counter, constantly sucking energy.

* I am 140 pound female, who does several types of serious exercise every week. I am not using the power assist except on larger hills.
** I have never written a bad review like this before. That's how awful this company is.
*** I am not the only one! Even in our smaller-sized community, I met somebody else with a Wing Bike and the same crappy results.
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