Picasa app for Windows / Mac: What to replace it with

You've probably heard that Google will no longer maintain Picasa service. I have been using Picasa app (and its integration with picasaweb.google.com) for as long as it has been available, and Google' decision to stop supporting it asks the question: What to replace it with.
So, I am looking for photo organizer with following functions:
- basic editing like cropping / rotating are welcome;
- geo-tagging (ability to drop a bunch of pictures over a map, and see them afterwards);
- "integration" with well-supported online photo service (for now, I can only see Google Photos, and Yahoo Flickr in that group);
- Face recognition, while good to have, is an extra I can live without;
- "Self-contained" database would be big plus (like the way Picasa keeps meta-data in .INI file within a folder)

I have been using Adobe Photoshop Elements in the past for both organizing and editing, but it fails miserably on "Self-contained" requirement - metadata is kept in Access Database, and is prone to breaking up when renaming / moving a file / folder.

I don't mind paid apps with reasonable license terms / price.
Per your posting, I also have the same question.

No answer to offer at the moment but my focus/priority is to get my photographs someplace that I know I have them safe and viewable sans Picasa.

Recommend the same even though we apparently have some time available......
As per announcement, photos on Picasaweb will be accessible from Google Photos (in fact, that is how it is even now), so I don't think any photos are going to be lost.

I have my photos replicated around several computers and locations, so online storage is just one more backup (and sharing) option.