When you compare a gen 5 LCD to a Gen 11 PDP, you will notice the price point is similar. However... If you compare a Gen 11 to Gen 11, you will quickly see how much cheaper Plasma is to LCD. 120hz LCD's do not compare to (randomly choose 480hz) plasma. The refresh rate of a good plasma is not noticeable by the human eye. I don't think 120hz would be noticeable by 99% of people either if the pixels really did refresh that fast. Unfortunately, that is not how they respond. Black to White may be 120 if the manufacturer isn't just making things up (since it is after all a self measured statement,) but color to color frequently falls well out of 120hz. Power consumption is a problem on Plasma, but they did address that on upcoming models at this years CES. The new units should rival LED LCD, which is often nearly equivalent to power consumption of halogen backlit LCD. What ever happened to Carbon nanotube? OLED doesn't suffer from short green life span, but to get long life accurate green, it is currently extremely expensive. This is the real reason Pioneer is pulling out of the TV market. They entered when they could sell 40" displays for $40,000, yet less R&D cost, they were manufacturing for under $2k. Now they can't sell quantity of the Best 60" display in the market for under $6k. The profits aren't there like they are in the other markets in which they compete. It's not that LCD or even other PDP manufacturers beat them out, they just don't see taking the risk for small returns. They are better off investing in other products.