Question PLEASE HELP ME is Yoga 9i able to do long zoom meeting with screen share or not ???

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Sep 11, 2021
PLEASE HELP ME is Yoga 9i able to do long zoom meeting with screen share or not ???

Recently I bought a 14”yoga 9i.MTM 82BG006KAX ,which still in the box cuz i need to have a final decision about weather to open it or not.
As I found this comment on reddit which makes me really worried

  1. The CPU is severely power-limited, to the extent that a 30-minute zoom call with the camera and screen sharing on will throttle down the CPU to 400MHz! Note that it's specifically PL1/PL2 and not a thermal limit. Specifically, it seems to cap itself to <10W at all times, and that's supposed to be a 28W CPU. I went through the hoops to uninstall and disable Intel DPTF and use ThrottleStop to fiddle with power limits. Unfortunately, 11th gen CPUs can not (yet?) be undervolted, and the thermal solution provided by Lenovo can't quite handle 28W, but I did limit it to 24W and lowered the max turbo to 4GHz, and that solved my performance problems without hitting ridiculous temps. I might end up repasting and repadding it if it gets too hot in the summer.“
What I understand from the comment above it is a machine limitation not related to bios or updates!!!

[I need the laptop to be able to perform well in more than 8 hrs zoom meeting with screen share]

Anyone has an idea about such limitations ????
Thank you in advance
get a real laptop. not one of this ultra light
To honest I didn’t think zoom meeting could be a task which I should be worried about when buying a laptop as most devices can handle it easily
yet it appears to be a problem for 2000$ windows laptop
buying a laptop is never easy task all companies are just a bunch of fraudulent money suckers and most reviewers are their cheating amplifiers
why did you pick a laptop? and a ultra light one? big screen? long battery? portability? something got to give
first let me explain i am a Mac user since year ( i used to light weight high performance laptop)
it happens recently that i booked online exam which has a conditions ( windows system and no less than 14 inch screen) it is a long exam involving more than 8 hr zoom meeting with screen share
so with my little experience I have search to find this lenovo laptop ( i do not like heavy weighting laptops an since i am not sure about where i shall take my exam i thought good battery life and light wight which offered by this device is not a bad idea ) now i regret it all
i should go to the gaming line on any thing else it appears that the ultra books in windows is such a lie
i never though i should questioning zoom meeting ability
after all the time i have used(reading reviews and watch vid about pcs) to find a good choice , i ended up by big about of money on big numbers with no job to do and only one comment in the reddit mentioned the problem and it appears it is a real problem as no one can deny it

Processor TypeIntel Core i7
Processor Model Number1185G7
Processor Core4
Processor Memory Cache12 MB
Processor Clock Speed3.0 GHz
Processor Max. Clock Speed4.8 GHz
Processor Generation11th Gen

SSD Storage Capacity1 TB
Storage TypeSSD

it is look like i should find a replacement to this metal (leather piece)
It probably going to work just fine. that just 1 reddit having issue
the way the comment was written make it something with laptop design i really not able to get most of it
but if as you said the device specification does not make it limited the zoom/ screen-share time that would be a wonderful news for me as it mean i do not need to consume more time about searching new device and focus on my exam
than you very much

wish you all the best
Why such a high end laptop for such a simple task like a Zoom video session? Also the difference with a ultra light laptop and a normal laptop is not that much, even a "heavy" laptop is not "heavy".

Something like a Lenovo IdeaPad for about $500 will be more than good enough for Zoom.
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