Question Please some help me I need my computer to work,....

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Mar 10, 2019
Ok so whats going on is i just got off the phone with a T-moble reprasintitive to try to connect my T-moble hotspot with my Laptop device i have a Dell Inspiron 9200 and my laptop is not reading that I have a valad wifi connection the laptop itself is asking me for a Valad Product key so the T moble rep told me look at the bottem of the laptop and see if theres a product key,... Well there was i type in the given product key that was in the bottem of my laptop into my laptop gives me error message: The Product key you have entered does not appear to be a Valid Windows 7 product key,... I explained this to the customer servise Rep threw T-moble and they said that my Product-Key has expired that i would need to contact Microsoft to get an updated version of my product key so that my Windows program can read my moble hotspot,... i tryed calling Microsoft and they transfered me to some person in India where i could barely understand him and eventually i had to let him, go can anyone help me with this,...on what i need to be doing?... I am disabled unimployed i need a working computer to continue to look for work and emplyment from home I need to fix my Windows /key connection problem so that it can read that i have a wifi/ moble hotspot connection,.. thank you all for all of your help,.. if anyone wants to personal message me my email is:[don't post your email address online] thanks again..... :)

I also wanted to add on here to that I am also Intreseted in trying to figure out how to do a factory reset on this kind of laptop as well mabie doing a factory-reset would help re-instal the built in Windows system,....

Every time I try to get ahold of Dell and Microsoft they either transfer me to people in India or the Philippines I do not have any problems against any of them but I can never understand what they are saying?.....
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A temporary fix would show up whether or not the lack of activation is the real cause of the inability to connect using wi-fi.

Navigate in Windows Explorer to c:\windows\system32 and right click on the file named cmd.exe. Select RunAs Administrator and when a black form shows up, at the c:\ prompt, type

SLMgr /rearm.
then hit the Enter key.

If all goes well you will see a confirmation of success and you now have thirty days before it whinges at you to buy a Product Key but you will to buy sometime or you can't get full Windows 7 functionality.

If lack of activation was the cause of wi-fi failure, and I have my doubts, you should now be able to do so. If you can't connect to a HotSpot, take it down to...
Without a Product Key you can't activate Windows but if you want to install Windows 10, go to the Microsoft Store and buy it using the PC that you use to post here. We have to mention the invalid status because we shouldn't be gving advice about invalid software but we are trying to help you.

Once you're installed Windows 10, it will recognise your wi-fi device and you can activate Windows online.
Without a Product Key you can't activate Windows but if you want to install Windows 10, go to the Microsoft Store and buy it using the PC that you use to post here. We have to mention the invalid status because we shouldn't be gving advice about invalid software but we are trying to help you.

Once you're installed Windows 10, it will recognise your wi-fi device and you can activate Windows online.

Windows 10 in the Microsoft website is free to download the problem is I can not get my computer or laptop to recognize that I have WiFi so that I can go to the Microsoft website and download the correct version each time I try to call Microsoft about this problem they transfer me to India and I can never understand anything that there saying that’s why I’m trying to get help on here,.... when I create my posts on here I am useing my Cellphone not another computer?.. ? Does anyone know how to download Microsoft 10 from a cell phone and transfer it to the computer system?......
It seems to me this whole problem can be solved by the use of an ethernet cable from the laptop to the router.

Microsoft are making it more difficult to download ISOs of Windows 10. That means buying it from their site and that costs around £110 in Britih money.
It seems to me this whole problem can be solved by the use of an ethernet cable from the laptop to the router.

Microsoft are making it more difficult to download ISOs of Windows 10. That means buying it from their site and that costs around £110 in Britih money.

Agreed. This is why I don't upgrade to 10. I miss the days of 3.1. LOL

You could try getting it through the link below, but be sure to choose the option to save it to a USB or something similar. It can't really be done on a cell or tablet though.
It seems to me this whole problem can be solved by the use of an ethernet cable from the laptop to the router.

Microsoft are making it more difficult to download ISOs of Windows 10. That means buying it from their site and that costs around £110 in Britih money.

My Router I Belive is built into my phone because I am useing a T-mobile hot spot wich I don’t belive is required to have a Router?...??? That’s why I’m on here thoe I’m not Tecnical enoph to figure things out on my own I need help,... ?,...
Yes hello all,.... I am trying to find a way to transfer windows 10 from my iPhone device to my Dell laptop and I Belive I found a way to do it but I’m stuck on the prosses and need help with the walk-threw....


On this Gentlemen’s demonstration,... the first step is to download a program on google play store called Drive Droid app,... In order to install it on google play it asks me to log in,.. well I do log in and it gives me this error message:

This Google account is not yet associated with a device. Please access the Play Store app on your device before installing apps

But this does not make since because I was installing it threw the play store app?... and also where do I go to inside my phone to see what google-Accont is registered with my devise?... this whole prosses is extremely confuseing to me because usually when I download apps from my cell phone it directs my to Apple,.. to type in a user name password no randomly out of the blue I’m interested in this app and it’s telling me I have to download it threw google play store instead of apple when it gave me the error message thoe- this account was not registered with this device I was thinking mabie it’s talking about my Apple ID and user name?... because that’s the only thing I can think of that is registered on my phone,.... but please help if you can and I thank-you. 🤓👍
Phones don't have a router/modem. It is a bit different. However, whatever you are using to gain access to the internet won't make a difference, you can't download the Windows you need to a phone. You need to download it to a different device. We have both tried to explain this, and that you won't be able to use the computer as you wish until a legit registered version of Windows is installed.

There is nothing more we could do in regard to this until you get the correct version and install it, which should resolve your WiFi issue on the computer.
This thread should be merged with the one @webworkings and I have been trying to get a point across to you for a week or more. Now you say you have an iPhone and you publish an Android suggestion. Believe me, it won't work in any way at all. If you did get your mobile Windows on to a laptop, it wouldn't work and it still needs to made legitimate.

If what has already been suggested didnt work, nothing else will. Please don't start another thread - it will only be removed.
This thread should be merged with the one @webworkings and I have been trying to get a point across to you for a week or more. Now you say you have an iPhone and you publish an Android suggestion. Believe me, it won't work in any way at all. If you did get your mobile Windows on to a laptop, it wouldn't work and it still needs to made legitimate.

If what has already been suggested didnt work, nothing else will. Please don't start another thread - it will only be removed.

How-dare Either of you Delete my Origional-Post,... That’s sooo Rude and highly uncalled for I needed help with that article,... No I get that you both are set on your ways and your own mind frames and don’t want to help me on this issue but I Belive there are other people who can if you don’t want to...... I’m attaching links on here that you both can see that there are free versions on Windows that you can down load on Microsoft that you do not need a key code for since niether if you Belive me,......

And there you go,..... Microsoft even said that its free there’s many posts about it Please both of you stop responding to my posts stop deleteing my posts neither one of you have helped me to get my computer up and working yet and I’m disabled and unimployed I have no food in my home I’m dead broke I mean that litterally I need a good working computer to look for work again if you both are high and mighty in your own ways that it’s either your way or the high way and iv allready showed you both other ways that it does work and other people do it,... just stop responding to my posts and stop deleteting my posts that’s verry rude and unessasary you respond to my posts or delete my posts again I will report you-Thanks
Yes hello all,.... I am trying to find a way to transfer windows 10 from my iPhone device to my Dell laptop and I Belive I found a way to do it but I’m stuck on the prosses and need help with the walk-threw....


On this Gentlemen’s demonstration,... the first step is to download a program on google play store called Drive Droid app,... In order to install it on google play it asks me to log in,.. well I do log in and it gives me this error message:

This Google account is not yet associated with a device. Please access the Play Store app on your device before installing apps

But this does not make since because I was installing it threw the play store app?... and also where do I go to inside my phone to see what google-Accont is registered with my devise?... this whole prosses is extremely confuseing to me because usually when I download apps from my cell phone it directs my to Apple,.. to type in a user name password no randomly out of the blue I’m interested in this app and it’s telling me I have to download it threw google play store instead of apple when it gave me the error message thoe- this account was not registered with this device I was thinking mabie it’s talking about my Apple ID and user name?... because that’s the only thing I can think of that is registered on my phone,.... but please help if you can and I thank-you. 🤓👍
Your original post was not deleted, I merged your 2 threads as the new thread was a continuation of the original.

You are most likely not going to be able to use your iPhone to install windows on your laptop, as Saga stated the video you posted is for Android phones and is still not a good way to go. You need to use another system(friend, family, even a library system) to create the windows 10 installation media.

Good luck, as given your behavior I'd be surprised if you get any more responses.
We have been trying to help you, but you haven't really listened. Again, what you want to do is not possible unless you have a legal copy of Windows. Until then, there is nothing that can't be done.

On top of that, this site has rules about doing anything that involves illegal copies of any software. It is not something that is allowed to be assisted with on this site.

Instead of personal attacks and insults towards people that have tried to assist you, try following what was suggested and keep your posts within the site's rules/guidelines.

Additionally, I did give you a link (in a prior post) to the free version of Windows 10 which can be downloaded and then installed on a computer.

Agreed. This is why I don't upgrade to 10. I miss the days of 3.1. LOL

You could try getting it through the link below, but be sure to choose the option to save it to a USB or something similar. It can't really be done on a cell or tablet though.

However, as also stated, you can't do this on a phone.

You would need to download it on another device (best a computer) and then either connection that computer to yours, or put it on a USB/CD/DVD and then install it on your computer.

Again, please follow the sites policies.

Oh, and yes while there is a (as I linked you to before) free copy of Windows 10 that you can get, the copy on your computer isn't that. You clearly stated (and showed in an image) that your copy is not a legal one.

Install a legal one and that should resolve your problem. Which we have stated before.
It sounds like you are doing something wrong here. You should not need any of the mentioned things to access a hotspot. It is the same as accessing any WiFi and no Windows Product Key should ever be needed.

That is if the hotspot is actually working correctly.

If it is at all possible to use your phone as a hotspot it would be done this way...

1. On the phone go into "Settings" and in the "Wireless & networks" section tap "More".

2. Now tap "Tethering & portable hotspot".

3. For "Wireless Tethering" tap "Set up WiFi hotspot"

4. On this new screen you will see options for a "Network Name", "Security", "Password" and "Network Band". You can change them or keep them as is. It is really up to you.

5. Now you need to locate the hotspot (the same way you do with any other WiFi) on your laptop.

As long as your laptop will connect to other WiFis, then it should connect to the hotspot. That is, as long as your carrier/service provider hasn't restricted the option. However it never involves anything about a Windows Product Key or anything similar.

To make sure you are trying to connect the WiFi correctly, try the following...

1. Go to "Control Panel".

2. Next go to "Network and Internet" and then "Network and Sharing".

3. Now click on "Manage Wireless Networks".

4. On this screen, remove all wireless connections by "right clicking" on it and select "Remove network" from the drop down menu.

5. After doing this, close the open windows and reboot the computer.

6. Once the computer is fully reloaded, scan for the "WiFi networks".

7. Click on the available network that you want to access and select "connect".

8. It takes a moment, but then you will be asked to give a password for your WiFi connection. Type in the password and click the "connect" button.

It should now be connected.

Another way to try it is to...

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Click on "Network & Security" and then click on "WiFi".
  3. Now click "Manage known networks".
  4. Select the WiFi connection you want to remove.
  5. Click the "Forget" button.
  6. After doing this, close the open windows and reboot the computer.
  7. Once the computer is fully reloaded again go to "Settings".
  8. Click on "Network & Security" and then click on "WiFi".
  9. Now click "Manage known networks".
  10. Click "Add a new network" and enter the network name.
  11. Using the drop-down menu, select the "network security type".
  12. Check the "Connect automatically" option.
  13. Now check the "Connect even if the network is not broadcasting" option and click "Save".
Should nothing here help, and your laptop will connect to other WiFis, then the carrier/service provider is the problem.

If it won't connect to any WiFi, then your WiFi card in the laptop would likely be the problem and it would either have to be replaced, or you would have to get an external one that connects via USB port.


I really like your brief answer to this post. Thanks!
Is this your actual WiFi connection? Usually those xfinityhwifi things are the free connections xfinity offers for customers using other customers routers. You may not even be trying to connect to the right network.

Did this system come with Windows 7 when you bough it NEW or was this some used system you got or was Windows 7 installed at some point?

You may need to have someone in your area look at your system that knows a bit about computers to sort out your license issue.

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