Ok so whats going on is i just got off the phone with a T-moble reprasintitive to try to connect my T-moble hotspot with my Laptop device i have a Dell Inspiron 9200 and my laptop is not reading that I have a valad wifi connection the laptop itself is asking me for a Valad Product key so the T moble rep told me look at the bottem of the laptop and see if theres a product key,... Well there was i type in the given product key that was in the bottem of my laptop into my laptop gives me error message: The Product key you have entered does not appear to be a Valid Windows 7 product key,... I explained this to the customer servise Rep threw T-moble and they said that my Product-Key has expired that i would need to contact Microsoft to get an updated version of my product key so that my Windows program can read my moble hotspot,... i tryed calling Microsoft and they transfered me to some person in India where i could barely understand him and eventually i had to let him, go can anyone help me with this,...on what i need to be doing?... I am disabled unimployed i need a working computer to continue to look for work and emplyment from home I need to fix my Windows /key connection problem so that it can read that i have a wifi/ moble hotspot connection,.. thank you all for all of your help,.. if anyone wants to personal message me my email is:[don't post your email address online] thanks again..... 
I also wanted to add on here to that I am also Intreseted in trying to figure out how to do a factory reset on this kind of laptop as well mabie doing a factory-reset would help re-instal the built in Windows system,....
Every time I try to get ahold of Dell and Microsoft they either transfer me to people in India or the Philippines I do not have any problems against any of them but I can never understand what they are saying?.....

I also wanted to add on here to that I am also Intreseted in trying to figure out how to do a factory reset on this kind of laptop as well mabie doing a factory-reset would help re-instal the built in Windows system,....
Every time I try to get ahold of Dell and Microsoft they either transfer me to people in India or the Philippines I do not have any problems against any of them but I can never understand what they are saying?.....
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