Question Power off/not charging/not booting

Oct 3, 2020
Asus s14 laptop is not booting up and charging. There is no signal on power indicator.

I thought this is issue is with laptop charger adapter but I could see it is working fine. I tried hard reset holding for 1 minute, no luck after several attempts. I am no where understanding what should be done to resolve this issue

Any suggestions would on this is highly appreciated!!
Oct 3, 2020
Is there a charging light (usually by the place where the charger plugs in) and what is this showing? How do you know the charger is working fine?

It is showing nothing, it usually shows charging light if it charges but after plugged in charger also nothing showing up.
How do you know the charger is working fine?
One of techincian has tested the charger and confirmed the issue.

One of techincian has tested the charger and confirmed the charger is working fine.
Actually power icon has blinked twice when the issue happened.
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