Hello! My brother has a MacBook Pro 13 inch 2009, the thing is that the MacBook keyboard doesn't work.
Here are the conditions and specs:
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 9400m 256MB
2GB Ram
160GB Hard Drive
Case: 9/10
Battery: 8/10
Charger: 8/10
Display: 9/10
Trackpad: 7/10
Keyboard: 2/10
If you are wondering why does the keyboard doesn't work, it's because it got water inside by accident.
Here are the conditions and specs:
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 9400m 256MB
2GB Ram
160GB Hard Drive
Case: 9/10
Battery: 8/10
Charger: 8/10
Display: 9/10
Trackpad: 7/10
Keyboard: 2/10
If you are wondering why does the keyboard doesn't work, it's because it got water inside by accident.