Problem getting stable HDTV OTA signal with my LG tv

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May 7, 2017
I decided to cut the cord and go for streaming. That being said, in order to catch a few tv channels, I bought an indoor antenna. I live in a dense urban area and I have 3 tv towers in a 10-15 miles radius. I have around 15 channels available.

The antenna works properly, but the signal is really up and down and not reliable on my LG Tv (2011) 1080p/i 42 inches. I try multiple positions and nothing seems to make it right. In a desperation move, I decided to test my small Tohsiba (2011), 720p 26 inches. The signal and image quality is awesome and almost stable as cable. The problem is certainly coming from my LG Tv, but what it is???
I'm out of solution. I even try a digital TV converter with a HDMI cable for my LG TV, the signal is a little bit better, but still worst than my Toshiba...

Is it the tuner in my LG that are not good enough?
Can you help me with this one?

Many thanks,

That's one way. How do you guaranteed TV#2 will do better? You are correct, vendors don't advertise the TV's tuner specs.

Never been a fan of amplified antennas, because they amplify good and bad signals equally. Am thinking "high noise rejection antenna urban." That's all my brain says it has. :)

The sensitivity of the ATSC tuner in the LG (and other tuners) may not be as good as your other TV. There is usually a way to display the signal strength of the tuned channel on the TV.
A better antenna may help. If the transmitters are in different directions an omni directional antenna may work better for you. An amplified antenna will boost the signal.


May 7, 2017

Thank you. I've tried amplified antenna and it was even worst than the one I have.
How do you know if a tuner on your tv is good or not? There's no specification about that on website like Best Buy and I doubt that the salesman knows that..

I've try a Digital TV Converter (RCA DTA880) and it improves a lot the signal and his stability on my LG tv. It works almost as good as on my small Toshiba. The Converter is expansive and don't look like a quality product and the remote is simply awful.

Maybe i'll will buy a new tv.

That's one way. How do you guaranteed TV#2 will do better? You are correct, vendors don't advertise the TV's tuner specs.

Never been a fan of amplified antennas, because they amplify good and bad signals equally. Am thinking "high noise rejection antenna urban." That's all my brain says it has. :)

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