Problem when dissemble Laptop.


Mar 4, 2017
Hello guy, I've got an Alienware 17 R2 that i bought 2 years ago. It's starting to heat up pretty bad so i wanted to clean up my fans (i've done it on other computer but damn they try to make it hard on those damn alienware ..)
So, dissamble the all things with several tutorial etc, it all goes pretty well (my fans aint that dirty so im suspecting something else but that's not the main problem today) exept when i want to put it back together, i've snapped one of the little wire on the wireless card ( there's 2 , one black and a white , ive damaged the white one like the plug came out with it) So i don't know whats not supposed to be working without that one ? anyhow ive weld it back and it seems to work i don't know , my problem is that my sound is coming out fine of both speaker of computer, but when i plug any headphone , ive tried 3 and on different computer they all work fine, when i plug them to my computer sounds comes out only from the left, and i've tried all the settings of different problem that people had but i think my problem is hardware obviously cause it happen right after my little operation ... so question , that wire shouldn't mess up with the sound anyway right ?
if anyone has any idea if i missplugged something back ? what one would it be ?
I'm sorry for my bad english it is not my first language but i hope you understand.
Thanks for your time.
I think I found a service manual for you at op-rentree dot com (sorry can't post links yet I just signed up recently). In mean time try removing charger and battery and press down power button for 20 seconds then leave for it for an 1 hour then reattach charger and battery power on. If battery is fixed just disconnect charger and follow procedure. This will discharge laptop and force bios to re-recognize hardware. This has solved sound issues with alienware laptops from my google checks. That failing download your service manual for insight and only attempt repairs when certain. Its possible replace that wireless card I think.
Logically if the broken wire was correctly repaired then there should no issues. Its completely possible that you did fix that correctly but when closing up the laptop you damaged the headphone socket. Its impossible to say without exactly what wire this was that broke.

or the picture is in that guide ..
the number 9
But can the sound problem come from that wire on the wireless card ??
thanks anyway
Sorry just realized the uploaded pic didnt show up .. but yeah the picture of that guide is really accurate anyway,
or i can open up my computer again but i wanted to have an idea of what im looking for
I think I found a service manual for you at op-rentree dot com (sorry can't post links yet I just signed up recently). In mean time try removing charger and battery and press down power button for 20 seconds then leave for it for an 1 hour then reattach charger and battery power on. If battery is fixed just disconnect charger and follow procedure. This will discharge laptop and force bios to re-recognize hardware. This has solved sound issues with alienware laptops from my google checks. That failing download your service manual for insight and only attempt repairs when certain. Its possible replace that wireless card I think.