Hello comunity i am having problems with my m18x allienware drivers it has 2 680m cards i bought it 2weeks ago first week everything was ok World of tanks high graphics no lag after 1 week it started to restart automaticly i googled that problem what i came is maybi power supply is not powerfull enought too support 2 cards i am still thinking that but my problem is another i try to solve problem by deleting graphics cards drivers.... after i tried to reinstall it doesnt allow me too
i tried to install drivers whit geforce experience they cant find any cards
guy who had that laptop before me he had downloaded drivers there was nvidia drivers i tried to install that nothing
i downloaded drivers from nvidia page same error any ideas ? thx for answears i really need your help
i tried to install drivers whit geforce experience they cant find any cards
guy who had that laptop before me he had downloaded drivers there was nvidia drivers i tried to install that nothing
i downloaded drivers from nvidia page same error any ideas ? thx for answears i really need your help