Problem with Comcast Motorola Digital box



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My 5080 has worked flawlessly until very recently. I have digital
cable service through Comcast here in appears
Comcast has made some changes and my ReplayTV can no longer select
channels on the cable box. This is a huge problem, obviously.

When it goes to send the IR codes you can see what looks like
"keyboard bounce" in the digital cable box LED display.

I've made no changes to the ReplayTV - it is set up like it always has
been. And the Motorola digital cable box remote works fine.

Any ideas? Is this Comcast's way of locking out ReplayTV users? They
launched their DVR Service on 11/15, which seems to coincide with when
I started having problems.

Anyone else seeing this?
Archived from groups: (More info?)

I have the silver Motorola HD box (non-dvr). I used to use 0476 w/ my
3030, the new 5060 set to 4476 when I selected Digital Comcast from
that screen.

Don't know if it'll help anyone, maybe a future google-groups searcher
will benefit?
Archived from groups: (More info?)

The day the new Comcast digital box menu's downloaded to my box, my system
started experiencing the same problem you note. I waited a week and watched
the newsgroups to see if anyone else had the same problem. Nothing. I was
then starting to worry that it was coincedence that it happend at the same
time the Comcast update did. I figured maybe my IR Blaster was broken. I
powered down and restarted, the same result.

I started playing around in Setup and ended up getting into network settings
where you choose what tuners you use for replay. Then I selected the digital
box which was on input 1. I chose the Motorola box, then the General
Instruments box, both with no good result. I then played with custom IR
Blaster codes and stumbled on to code 0276 which did the trick. I think my
box was using something like 4276.

So I guess Comcast did change something. I cant figure out why the handheld
remote from comcast still works with no re-programming, but the replay
IR-blaster had to be reset to the new code.


"Dave Pascoe" <> wrote in message
> My 5080 has worked flawlessly until very recently. I have digital
> cable service through Comcast here in appears
> Comcast has made some changes and my ReplayTV can no longer select
> channels on the cable box. This is a huge problem, obviously.
> When it goes to send the IR codes you can see what looks like
> "keyboard bounce" in the digital cable box LED display.
> I've made no changes to the ReplayTV - it is set up like it always has
> been. And the Motorola digital cable box remote works fine.
> Any ideas? Is this Comcast's way of locking out ReplayTV users? They
> launched their DVR Service on 11/15, which seems to coincide with when
> I started having problems.
> Anyone else seeing this?
Archived from groups: (More info?)

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 18:34:04 -0500, "Tom Howley" <>

>The day the new Comcast digital box menu's downloaded to my box, my system
>started experiencing the same problem you note. I waited a week and watched
>the newsgroups to see if anyone else had the same problem. Nothing. I was
>then starting to worry that it was coincedence that it happend at the same
>time the Comcast update did. I figured maybe my IR Blaster was broken. I
>powered down and restarted, the same result.
>I started playing around in Setup and ended up getting into network settings
>where you choose what tuners you use for replay. Then I selected the digital
>box which was on input 1. I chose the Motorola box, then the General
>Instruments box, both with no good result. I then played with custom IR
>Blaster codes and stumbled on to code 0276 which did the trick. I think my
>box was using something like 4276.
>So I guess Comcast did change something. I cant figure out why the handheld
>remote from comcast still works with no re-programming, but the replay
>IR-blaster had to be reset to the new code.

It's probably a timing difference, which someone will figure out.

>"Dave Pascoe" <> wrote in message
>> My 5080 has worked flawlessly until very recently. I have digital
>> cable service through Comcast here in appears
>> Comcast has made some changes and my ReplayTV can no longer select
>> channels on the cable box. This is a huge problem, obviously.
>> When it goes to send the IR codes you can see what looks like
>> "keyboard bounce" in the digital cable box LED display.
>> I've made no changes to the ReplayTV - it is set up like it always has
>> been. And the Motorola digital cable box remote works fine.
>> Any ideas? Is this Comcast's way of locking out ReplayTV users? They
>> launched their DVR Service on 11/15, which seems to coincide with when
>> I started having problems.
>> Anyone else seeing this?

37 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"It is a curious thing that every creed promises a
paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh
Archived from groups: (More info?)

I had the same problem (I'm in MA too) and found the solution in the
ReplayTV FAQs:

It looks like what this does is changes your settings to use the settings
for a General Instruments cable box. Worked for me.

"Dave Pascoe" <> wrote in message
> My 5080 has worked flawlessly until very recently. I have digital
> cable service through Comcast here in appears
> Comcast has made some changes and my ReplayTV can no longer select
> channels on the cable box. This is a huge problem, obviously.
> When it goes to send the IR codes you can see what looks like
> "keyboard bounce" in the digital cable box LED display.
> I've made no changes to the ReplayTV - it is set up like it always has
> been. And the Motorola digital cable box remote works fine.
> Any ideas? Is this Comcast's way of locking out ReplayTV users? They
> launched their DVR Service on 11/15, which seems to coincide with when
> I started having problems.
> Anyone else seeing this?