Hello guys! I've been visiting tom'shardware since a long time but this is my first thread here and i know that here there are people with significant knowledge.
So i have a ps3 - brand new (120gb/slim model) and a SAMSUNG LE-32B530 - http
/www.samsung.com/baltic/consumer/tv-audio-video/television/lcd-tv/LE32B530P7WXBT/index.idx?pagetype=prd_detail&tab=spec&fullspec=F Everything was normal at first but when i connected my PS3 to my monitor (SAMSUNG SyncMaster-2253BW - 1680x1050) http
/www.samsung.com/ca/consumer/office/monitors/lcd/LS22AQWJFV/XAA/index.idx?pagetype=prd_detail&tab=spec&fullspec=F and went back to the HDTV i can't make the PS3 display 1080p. I can switch to 720p or 1080i but not to 1080p. When i try to switch to 1080p it starts flashing 6 or 7 times and i see at the up-left corner of the screen 1680x1080 (the monitor resolution). I tried to hold down the power button for 5/6 sec till it beeps for a second time. That way i reset the display setting. It goes to 576p and asks me to switch to optimal settings. Same story I also tried to change the source outputting the display signal with SD resolution - once again nothing. Normally it flashes once and switches to the desired resolution. When i try to go to 1080p using the monitor there is no problem. It switches immediately. Of course it says it's not the optimal setting (1680x1050 is) but under the information tab at the monitor's menu it says 1920x1080@60Hz. I guess it down scales to 1680x1050 but i see no change in the size of the picture. The important things is the PS3 can output 1080p being connected to the monitor but not to the HDTV. I use HDMI-DVI cable for that purpose and HDMI-HDMI cable to connect the PS3 to the HDTV.
Funny thing is when i set 720p in the XMB and start a blu-ray disc it starts in 1280x720@60Hz but when the actual movies starts it switches to 1920x1080@24Hz. The 24Hz option is in the PS3 and i left it on automatic. The movie is being displayed on the monitor at 60Hz obviously. At the same time when i connected the PS3 to my monitor i connected my PC to the HDTV using DVI-HDMI converter that came with my graphics card and besides it i used the very same HDMI cable i used to connect the PS3 before, also using the same nest in the HDTV /HDMI 1/. One strange thing i saw when i connected the PC to the HDTV for a second time is that without me doing anything with the display driver (CCC/HD4870) the output resolution was 1776x1000@60Hz. The picture was OK but at the very top/bottom of the screen as well as at very right/left side of the screen there was a unused space. Black screen where i can't go with the cursor. It's lime 1cm bottom/top and 2cm left/right. When setting the resolution to 1920x1080@60Hz it becomes a little larger than the screen itself. For example i can't see the start button i see only the top-right part and if i have icons at the left side i only see their right half. 😱 What the hell is going on?!?!?! When i set the refresh rate to 50Hz (1920x1080@50Hz) it goes like it should be - filling the entire screen but it is 50Hz not 60Hz.
So basically when i try to set the PS3 to display 1080p on the HDTV (SAMSUNG LE-32B530) it flashes several times at the resolution of the monitor (SAMSUNG SyncMaster-2253BW - 1680x1050) and goes back to the menu where i have to set the display settings. Before connecting the PS3 to the monitor everything was perfect - 1080p at the XMB //720p in games; 1080p in movies//
So my question is where is the problem and can it be fixed? I don't have any 1080p games for now and i know that at 32" it doesn't make much difference if the HDTV displays 720p or 1080p but still...Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
So i have a ps3 - brand new (120gb/slim model) and a SAMSUNG LE-32B530 - http

Funny thing is when i set 720p in the XMB and start a blu-ray disc it starts in 1280x720@60Hz but when the actual movies starts it switches to 1920x1080@24Hz. The 24Hz option is in the PS3 and i left it on automatic. The movie is being displayed on the monitor at 60Hz obviously. At the same time when i connected the PS3 to my monitor i connected my PC to the HDTV using DVI-HDMI converter that came with my graphics card and besides it i used the very same HDMI cable i used to connect the PS3 before, also using the same nest in the HDTV /HDMI 1/. One strange thing i saw when i connected the PC to the HDTV for a second time is that without me doing anything with the display driver (CCC/HD4870) the output resolution was 1776x1000@60Hz. The picture was OK but at the very top/bottom of the screen as well as at very right/left side of the screen there was a unused space. Black screen where i can't go with the cursor. It's lime 1cm bottom/top and 2cm left/right. When setting the resolution to 1920x1080@60Hz it becomes a little larger than the screen itself. For example i can't see the start button i see only the top-right part and if i have icons at the left side i only see their right half. 😱 What the hell is going on?!?!?! When i set the refresh rate to 50Hz (1920x1080@50Hz) it goes like it should be - filling the entire screen but it is 50Hz not 60Hz.
So basically when i try to set the PS3 to display 1080p on the HDTV (SAMSUNG LE-32B530) it flashes several times at the resolution of the monitor (SAMSUNG SyncMaster-2253BW - 1680x1050) and goes back to the menu where i have to set the display settings. Before connecting the PS3 to the monitor everything was perfect - 1080p at the XMB //720p in games; 1080p in movies//
So my question is where is the problem and can it be fixed? I don't have any 1080p games for now and i know that at 32" it doesn't make much difference if the HDTV displays 720p or 1080p but still...Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.