confession of a vidoe game pirate:
I can't morrally defend pirating, I have done my fair share. I have purchased games that I highly anticipated, even though I had access to obtain if for free. I have pirated ones that I thought were of questionable enjoyment. Many I played for 15 to 20 minutes, quit and deleted. Others I played through and thoroughly enjoyed. But it's hard to pay for something after you have completed it and have no desire to play it again.
I don't consider myself a bad person, but I can't justify my actions. When it is so easy, it is hard to stop. Pirating doesn't feel like stealing, no one seems to be personally harmed, good games still make money, 60 bucks is outrageous, publishers are greedy; all of these things I have told myself to justify my addiction. However, if I had to pay for all the movies, music, games, software, and satellite that I have pirated, it would take 5 lifetimes. The equation does balance, for something to seem not worth paying for, I have spent a lot of time finding ways to get it for free.
I don't think that I will pirate anymore. It contradicts other aspects of my character. I have conservative values and believe people should get paid for their work, whether it is diggin' a ditch or developing games. If I don't like the price or the quality of product I shouldn't buy it; also, I shouldn't expect it to be given to me for free. I'm not smart because I can get away with it, or get it 2 weeks before it goes retail. I'm not technically gifted or crafty because I know how to unpack, mount, install, and crack while others around me don't; I just have more free time. Being smart isn't learning about how obtain stuff for free. Being smart is learning how to find ways to pay for it. If you work your but off it might be that you find it's not important enough to spend the money that it cost. Maybe other hobbies will become more appealing. Maybe instead of playing and watching everything new that comes out, I wait until the money is available to make the purchase and it will be more enjoyable because I don't indulge in it all the time. It's no wonder why every movies seems to borrow from other movies and nothing seems original anymore? .. it's because I have seen everything.
I will support the art by giving my money to those we feel produce a quality product. I will play as my budget allows it.. maybe 4 games a year, but you had better believe it will be the best 4 games of the year and I will enjoy them immensley.