PS JailBreak PS3 Exploit Goes Free, Open Source

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Many see this device as a venue to bring back other os.If it can be used for just that, then I'm on board. $ony should have never taken that feature away! :)
[citation][nom]volt-aire[/nom]The more console piracy there is, the better. Less incentives to make anything at all, ever. And shove it down our throat?[/citation]

MW2 was a debacle, they still made 1 B$. People pirate stuff since the diskette days, we still have games. BTW I own like 30 games on steam.

If a publisher doesnt make a fucking Billion$ by pushing a half baked game with 15$ mappack DLCs its only going to be good for everyone.

I wish that all consoles go belly up due to piracy, like the Dreamcast did.
[citation][nom]Wheat_Thins[/nom]Cry Moar; Your tears are salty sweet. Sleep in the bed you made right next to the piracy that absolutely destroyed the PC gaming realm. Why waste time on a platform that probably has 50%+ piracy rate when the console scene is probably less the 10-20%? I have an i7 and a 5870 and love PC gaming but lets be honest PC gamers shot themselves in the foot by stealing all their games as opposed to paying $50.00 for something they will probably play for 100+ hours. Rate me down to -20 but PC pirates created this situation by stealing games because they think it their god given right to play games because they are so 1337 to use an iso mounter and torrent and a cracked EXE.[/citation]

I totally agreed with you man.

The saddest part is these cheap *** still talk crap.

Is the game/software good/crap? crappy or not its still someone else's work.

and when Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo start banning these people from going online, they start crying like a baby and said them suck and will never buy their stuff again blah blah blah. hey, Do they cared? Nope they don't cuz you guys are just bunch of free loaders so why should they cared?

The problem is people like us, who payed for games that we liked, can't get more games cuz the companies are not making enough money.

*Post edited by moderator* Cool it on the language.
[citation][nom]Wheat_Thins[/nom]Rate me down to -20 but PC pirates created this situation by stealing games because they think it their god given right to play games because they are so 1337 to use an iso mounter and torrent and a cracked EXE.[/citation]

I really don't understand why, but you're right. People literally get this complex about piracy, where I guess from the guilt they insist that every game should be made free to them. They get beligerent when told they'll have to pay for ANYTHING.

Me, I pirate stuff, sure; I don't have money to buy games anyway. If I wasn't going to buy it in the first place, they're not losing any money by me downloading it. Hell, if I have a good time with it, it's MORE likely I'll be buying it in the future, as I do have close to a hundred titles on steam and another hundred in a drawer.
well you cant really say that a majority of pc gamers pirate becasue that isnt true, it is just scare tackticks

the only reason that most people think this is becasue developers use it as an excuse becasue it means they have less work to get it to work with different hardware for example look at how many cpu,gpu and motehrboard combinatiosn you could use and they all have to work and they have to support a lot of drivers

and talking about drm i dont mind it if it is not intrusive

say for example you have to log into steam once every couple days/ every 72 hours gametime

i dont like it when you have to constantly be conected to the internet to there servers becasue it means that if there servers are down then you cant play your game look at assasisn creed 2 for example

i think the only reason they managed to break drm so quick was becasue they were spured on becasue they wanted to play the game they bought but they couldnt so they broke the protection on it
[citation][nom]Wheat_Thins[/nom]Cry Moar; Your tears are salty sweet. Sleep in the bed you made right next to the piracy that absolutely destroyed the PC gaming realm. Why waste time on a platform that probably has 50%+ piracy rate when the console scene is probably less the 10-20%? I have an i7 and a 5870 and love PC gaming but lets be honest PC gamers shot themselves in the foot by stealing all their games as opposed to paying $50.00 for something they will probably play for 100+ hours. Rate me down to -20 but PC pirates created this situation by stealing games because they think it their god given right to play games because they are so 1337 to use an iso mounter and torrent and a cracked EXE.[/citation]

Where was I advocating PC game piracy??? But thank you for proving my point unintentionally. Increasing the piracy rate of consoles will mean more incentives to produce PC centric games.
Sony probably leaked it themselves so they can figure out how to develop ways to battle it. They knew it would come out some way or another.
At the end of the day, piracy is still theft.

Sure, people make the argument of "I wasn't going to buy it anyway, so they're technically not losing a sale," or "I like to test the game out before I pay for it," but that doesn't change that they stole something, just the same as if they shoplifted the discs from a store. Stealing through piracy is easier on the conscience, though, because it's an anonymous crime, but it's still a crime.

I do, however, support "jailbreaking" devices like the PS3. I bought it, I should be able to use it as I like. If I want to run homebrew apps on it and play games legally purchased, I should have the option. If I want to increase the disc life / reduce possible damage to the disc by playing a digital backup on the HDD, I should have the option.
I have one Japanese import PS1 game I haven't been able to play in the years since my ps1 plug in mod chip was swiped by some nefarious character. I don't know if this is for me, just so I can play some Japanese version of Metal Slug, but I'm tempted.
I say start prosecuting all these thievs to the fullest! Go all RIAA on them and fine each millions. Just stop prancing around the bush and scare these people strait.

Torrent sites, Hackers, and the ones that think its Ok because there is DRM you do like, or becouse you cant afford it - what a lame excuse!

If you dont like the DRM dont buy it and dont steal it either, just dont play it(called speaking with your wallet). If you cant afford somthing you dont just take it because they would make $ anyways! I want a Ferrari 599, so I'll just steal one because I cant afford it.
confession of a vidoe game pirate:

I can't morrally defend pirating, I have done my fair share. I have purchased games that I highly anticipated, even though I had access to obtain if for free. I have pirated ones that I thought were of questionable enjoyment. Many I played for 15 to 20 minutes, quit and deleted. Others I played through and thoroughly enjoyed. But it's hard to pay for something after you have completed it and have no desire to play it again.

I don't consider myself a bad person, but I can't justify my actions. When it is so easy, it is hard to stop. Pirating doesn't feel like stealing, no one seems to be personally harmed, good games still make money, 60 bucks is outrageous, publishers are greedy; all of these things I have told myself to justify my addiction. However, if I had to pay for all the movies, music, games, software, and satellite that I have pirated, it would take 5 lifetimes. The equation does balance, for something to seem not worth paying for, I have spent a lot of time finding ways to get it for free.

I don't think that I will pirate anymore. It contradicts other aspects of my character. I have conservative values and believe people should get paid for their work, whether it is diggin' a ditch or developing games. If I don't like the price or the quality of product I shouldn't buy it; also, I shouldn't expect it to be given to me for free. I'm not smart because I can get away with it, or get it 2 weeks before it goes retail. I'm not technically gifted or crafty because I know how to unpack, mount, install, and crack while others around me don't; I just have more free time. Being smart isn't learning about how obtain stuff for free. Being smart is learning how to find ways to pay for it. If you work your but off it might be that you find it's not important enough to spend the money that it cost. Maybe other hobbies will become more appealing. Maybe instead of playing and watching everything new that comes out, I wait until the money is available to make the purchase and it will be more enjoyable because I don't indulge in it all the time. It's no wonder why every movies seems to borrow from other movies and nothing seems original anymore? .. it's because I have seen everything.

I will support the art by giving my money to those we feel produce a quality product. I will play as my budget allows it.. maybe 4 games a year, but you had better believe it will be the best 4 games of the year and I will enjoy them immensley.
i dont understand why some people are so against pirating-- if you dont want to do because of some moral conflict then dont but you shouldnt be against others doing it-- they aren't hurting you and it makes life much easier so whats wrong with that
also to everyone saying its like stealing actual things, well its not-- if someone had infinite copies of something (for example ferarris, which someone mentioned) then would you feel bad taking one of them
You people talking about morals and how bad piracy is, when maybe in real life you're bunch of devils and sons of *****, you're just pathetic hypocrites.
I see people going to church, praying and stuff, pretending to be good, but in the end they are the opposite, bunch of people who like talking and no acting.
I don't think i'm a bad person, only cause i'm copying few games and music for free.
Who is Mr. Yam to make the judgment that the ability of this software to play copies of games to not be legal? I can make copies of movies I own and it is perfectly legal for me to play the copies. Just because Sony dislikes their customers backing up the games that said customers own, it does not make it illegal.

It is also not the place for the creators of this "home-brew" software to decide what options we(the end user) can and cannot make use of. Of course, someone already changed the software and you can now play copied games.
People are still so ignorant and can't realize that piracy is existing cause people are making profit from it, same people who are making out games, music, movies, ecc.
It's like cigarettes and alcohol, they are bad, but "they" are allowing them, cause of the profit and same thing goes for piracy.
If they were losing money because of piracy, this thing called piracy won't even exist. It's like the oil, nobody will allow cars running with water, instead of gas, cause a lot of people will lose a lot of money til oil is still popping out from the earth.
[citation][nom]thechief73[/nom]I say start prosecuting all these thievs to the fullest! Go all RIAA on them and fine each millions. Just stop prancing around the bush and scare these people strait. Torrent sites, Hackers, and the ones that think its Ok because there is DRM you do like, or becouse you cant afford it - what a lame excuse! If you dont like the DRM dont buy it and dont steal it either, just dont play it(called speaking with your wallet). If you cant afford somthing you dont just take it because they would make $ anyways! I want a Ferrari 599, so I'll just steal one because I cant afford it.[/citation]
You sir, are a fool. Blind sided by the fact that it's not always about either the money or the DRM. But, sometimes it's about sticking it to the "man"...or in this case Activision (screw that CEO!). You also have Ubisoft with their terrible DRM mock-up that deserves not a cent from anyone until they can come up with either no DRM, or something that is not as intrusive and depends on your connection. Some companies just don't "get" it. Gamers are a different breed of a consumer. We are definitely more vocal (especially the PC gamer), and will not succumb to just poor ports or their sorry excuse for trying to obtain more money. There is also the case of companies taking away our right to own the game and instead trying to implement a license of a game instead. I for one feel that if you buy a media, you OWN it. It doesn't exactly mean you can copy it for anyone and everyone, but I do believe you should be able to do whatever you want with it for yourself. Examples being burning an extra copy, ripping it to your hard drive, and not having a damn CD-check system. /Rant over and done
[citation][nom]FlynnSerlant[/nom]At the end of the day, piracy is still theft.Sure, people make the argument of "I wasn't going to buy it anyway, so they're technically not losing a sale," or "I like to test the game out before I pay for it," but that doesn't change that they stole something, just the same as if they shoplifted the discs from a store. Stealing through piracy is easier on the conscience, though, because it's an anonymous crime, but it's still a crime.I do, however, support "jailbreaking" devices like the PS3. I bought it, I should be able to use it as I like. If I want to run homebrew apps on it and play games legally purchased, I should have the option. If I want to increase the disc life / reduce possible damage to the disc by playing a digital backup on the HDD, I should have the option.[/citation]

I kind of disagree....downloading a torrent isnt the same as shoplifting from a store....the end user just picked up what was available, someone had to copy it & put it up there first. Its like finding a stolen $20 bill in the street. Who's the bigger problem? The guy who stole it, or the joe schmoe that found it and put it in his pocket?
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